Did McConnell get some FTX money? – IOTW Report

Did McConnell get some FTX money?

He may have.

“@LeaderMcConnell got some of that tax payer FXT Ukraine money.”
—- And no one is surprised.


13 Comments on Did McConnell get some FTX money?

  1. Illust8er

    The guy is former Air-force. He has the equipment to track and ID anything that flies. He has his s tough on his youtube channel. Not sure what it means. But it could be training missions

  2. Well, if the US elites want to use the military against it’s citizenry they better do it now before it’s entirely made up of trannies, soy boys and democrat freaks.

  3. Perhaps some concrete evidence is about to come out about the past two years of stolen fucking elections?
    They expect the legitimate electorate to riot.
    We won’t.
    we just bend over more & more…

  4. McConnell has his filthy hands in every pot of dirty money around the World.
    That’s mainly why he clings to the job. He’s fully aware that he no longer serves the United States or Kentucky, but Mammon – one of Lucifer’s henchmen.

    The sick, miserable, traitorous old turtle will learn (eventually) that none of his ill-gotten swag will do him a DAMNED bit of good where he’s headed.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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