Did Obama Botch the Response to the H1N1 Outbreak? Here’s What the Media Isn’t Telling You – IOTW Report

Did Obama Botch the Response to the H1N1 Outbreak? Here’s What the Media Isn’t Telling You


There appears to be a coordinated effort amongst Democrats and the media to destroy the public’s confidence in the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. It’s irresponsible and causing panic. I have no doubt that when this pandemic is over it will be clear the Trump administration handled it far better than Obama handled the H1N1 pandemic. I think the media knows this too, so they’re working overtime trying to erode the public’s faith in the Trump administration’s response in the hopes of ruining his chances of being reelected.

And Trump, being Trump, isn’t letting them get away with it. He’s compared the Obama administration’s response to the H1N1 pandemic with the Trump administration’s response to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic to show things are better than how the media is trying to present it. In response, the fake news media has tried to debunk Trump’s criticisms with fact-checks that ignore key details from the H1N1 outbreak in order to cover-up the Obama administration’s inadequate response.

The H1N1 outbreak originated in Mexico. Despite calls from members of Congress to do so, the Obama administration refused to restrict travel with Mexico or close the border. “Closing our nation’s borders is not merited here,” said Obama’s DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano when a national health emergency was declared. She argued that closing the border or U.S. ports would have “no impact or very little” in stopping or slowing the spread of the virus.

Trump proved this theory wrong when he took the bold step of banning travel from China back in January. He got criticized for it, but a month later WHO experts conceded that it worked and it saved lives. While countries like Italy and Iran were experiencing catastrophic outbreaks, the United States was not. more

8 Comments on Did Obama Botch the Response to the H1N1 Outbreak? Here’s What the Media Isn’t Telling You

  1. obama is an idiot. For 8 years, he was merely george soros’ organ grinder monkey, on a short leash.

    If the asshole had any brains, we’d have wound up in chains. Fortuntely, he’s a lazy dumbass more interested in looking in the mirror and trying to play golf.

  2. Obama sure has been quiet on taking credit for the economy lately. He officially handed it over to Trump 5 weeks ago. I seem to have missed the transition ceremony, did anyone else happen to catch it?

  3. As scientific data starts to become available, it is becoming apparent that the coronavirus lethalness has been greatly overblown by the America destroying and fear mongering democrat communist media including Fox News which has gleefully joined in on the whipping up of panic. Our economy is being destroyed now in a matter of a few weeks and our God given inalienable rights trampled on by all of the governors, communist democrats and republican alike who are shutting down businesses unlawfully and even limiting how many persons can gather together in a group. This isn’t communist china.

    This is all a power grab by the Deep State and we need to recognize it as such and start calling out all of these politicians who are rushing to exert absolute power over us.

    We all need to start today to writing to these traitors and demanding our jobs and rights back.


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