Did Obama Send Missiles to Hezbollah? – IOTW Report

Did Obama Send Missiles to Hezbollah?


Hezbollah, the Iran-backed Islamic terrorist group in control of Lebanon, used to boast that it was unbeatable because of its arsenal of over 100,000 missiles and rockets.

That arsenal, which was severely depleted by Israel before the Biden imposed ceasefire, relied heavily on a large collection of anti-tank missiles that could also be used against civilian targets, shelters and even, in the case of a Hamas attack in 2011 with a Russian Kornet, a school bus.

The TOW missile, originally developed in the 1960s, is a mainstay of the terrorist arsenal.

Hezbollah’s TOW missiles come from a variety of sources. The United States sold TOWs to the old Iranian government and after the Islamic takeover, the new regime cranked out copies called ‘Toophans’ which its Islamic terrorist networks have distributed to Jihadists around the region.

The Obama administration had also handed out TOW missiles like candy to Sunni Jihadists across the border during the Syrian civil war. Some of these were captured by Shiite Jihadists, including Hezbollah, fighting for the Assad regime and then transported to Lebanon.

Russia has been passing along to Iran the captured weapons that the United States had sent to Ukraine. Iran will attempt to reverse engineer our more advanced weaponry, but any TOW missiles will be directed to Hezbollah, the Houthis, Hamas and other allied terror groups.

But there is still yet another troubling question about the source of some of Hezbollah’s TOWs. more

6 Comments on Did Obama Send Missiles to Hezbollah?

  1. Remember the one non-governmental person who had direct, unfettered access to Obumphuk – ValJar, the anchor baby of Iranian high ranking officials. You can connect the dots that the legacy media chose to ignore.

  2. You know what?
    There are currently available BlueTooth chips that can be installed in anything and they use bluetooth technology to link to the nearest smart phone and relay coordinates to whoever installs the chip. You can buy these for private use.
    Don’t tell me that this technology is not being used to track our military equipment stationed in foreign countries…


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