Did Obama take cancer-fight speech from TV show ‘The West Wing’? – IOTW Report

Did Obama take cancer-fight speech from TV show ‘The West Wing’?

NJ.com: WASHINGTON– In a moving and evocative moment during the State of the Union speech, President Obama announced a push to cure cancer, comparing it to a “moon shot.”

For added drama, he put Vice President Joe Biden — still grieving over the cancer death of his son — in charge of the effort.

To fans of the long-running show “The West Wing,” however, the scene had an eerie familiarity. They may have noticed Obama’s goal of curing cancer matched a similar goal put forth by Josiah Bartlet, the fictitious Democratic president in the show, which ran from 1999 through 2006. more here

14 Comments on Did Obama take cancer-fight speech from TV show ‘The West Wing’?

  1. Leftist’s originality is always wanting.

    “Hey! Hey! Ho! Ho! Fill-in-the-blank has got to go!” Right?

    I thought Biden had been accused of some serious plagiarism from college daze or something. He’s a write-off, so I don’t care about the details.

    Wouldn’t be at all surprised if oblowme’s speech writers combed through Sorkin’s scripts for morsels. Sorkin was an amazing writer. Too bad he let drugs and alcohol kill his creativity. Now he’s in it for the deep political relevancy (See his Chicago 7 film coming up). There are too many of those guys in HorryWood as it is.

  2. Four score and seven years ago, I had a dream that one day, all we need fear is fear itself. So once more into the breach, fellow Democrats, where we will fight Republicans on the beaches, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, and we will never surrender. Because at this point, what does it matter.

    Joe “Nothing Plagarized Here” Biden

  3. For added fun, here’s the flashback of the letter Aaron Sorkin “wrote to his teenage daughter” that was somehow published in Vanity Fair after Trump’s election.


    It’s not like Hollywood doesn’t volunteer their services to Democrats. Actors have been doing the bidding of Democrats since before Lincoln haven’t they? The urge to go in blackface runs deep.

  4. Good possibility.

    Obozo did the Big Block Cheese Day (taken from Andrew Jackson) skit from the show.

    There was also an episode called transitions where they wanted to use Logan Act against the incoming administration (like Strzok notes) via China and Russian contacts


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