Did Tara Reade’s mom finger Dirty Digit Joe? – IOTW Report

Did Tara Reade’s mom finger Dirty Digit Joe?

Patriot Retort: Things aren’t looking good for Dirty Digit Joe Biden.  Despite the New York Times’ claim that Tara Reade’s accusation has no corroboration, it appears some corroboration was found in an old video clip of CNN’s Larry King show from 1993 – the same year Tara Reade claims Dirty Digit Joe assaulted her. read more

SNIP: An interesting Tucker Carlson video at the link.

9 Comments on Did Tara Reade’s mom finger Dirty Digit Joe?

  1. Aaah, so this is how They, the Dems, are going forth with now? The way out of the mess they created. Take down an old man with early dementia with a sex scandal?? Got it.

    How compassionate of them. You do know this IS internal ‘stuff’ to the Dems, just like Hillary started the birther shit against the Choomer in Chief, NOT DJT as was reported. DJT just exposed it, he trolled Obama to release that.

    Even if this IS their way of backing out, who at this point, can take the lead of their failures with no solutions against an incumbent, in a ‘crisis’?? I keep saying Jill, as the loving wife, but what DO YOU say?

  2. Once the MSDM starts running with this story, we’ll know that the curtain is coming down on Horny Joe. The Dementiacrats have a big problem though. How do they jettison Dementia Joe Obiden Bama without appeasing all of Bolshevik Bernie’s Democrat-Socialists-Communists unless they hand the nomination to a real Progressive? The Full Catastrophe Convention is going to be a real enjoyable spectacle.

  3. “Mr. Biden, what do you think of Tara Reade’a accusations about improper sexual conduct involving your hands?”

    “Call me Joe, I mean, come on. I don’t bite. What? Who’s axcusing who? Oh, Tara? Look, women love my hands. I love their hands. Look at my hands. Nice, huh? I mean, who doesn’t? They can stroke my hair and, they do, they smell good. Like shampoo. Look. Girls like to have their hair smelled. Jill, the dryer beeped.”

    “No, sir, she’s accusing you of sexual misconduct with your fingers.”

    “With these? Look. Why would I do that? These hands have.. Honey, would you get that? I don’t know where she is. I was doing something in here earlier. Hunter was poking around the other day.”

    “Sir, about Tara Reade’s accusations?”

    “Huh? What accujulations? I don’t know what you mean. All I ever done is kiss a few babies and had some hugs and squeezed a few… Jill?! You know, politics, practical politics. You have to shake a few hands and squeeze some… poke a few… smell a few… ah, you know, all those THINGS!”

  4. So here’s the play, Hillezibub has the goods on every DC swamp rat from her raid of the FBI, she has known about Tara Reade from the beginning.

    The Demon Nominating Convention is on the 100th anniversary of woman’s suffrage. Do you really think a serial child groper will be the demon nominated?

    As SGT Friday spells out Hillezibub is the most powerful Demonrat in this country. She has luster the state department to literally launder trillions of the global crime syndicates money through the US. She has ordered the murder of over 200 loose ends.

    She is the Highest Priestess of the global satanic cabal. She owns the Demonrat donor class and the DNC outright.

    Do you actually believe this satanic harridan will let a idiot like Pedo Joe to be nominated, he is merely a placeholder so she can avoid the grueling schedule of campaigning herself.

    This evil bitch is the most brilliant and conniving horror you can imagine, Her resurrection started the second she lost. She will tap the Wookie Tranny to be her VP and swoop in to save democracy from the dirty digit dumbass. Mark my words.

    Also watch HA Goodman on You Tube, he’s annoying as hell but hilarious.

  5. Switcheroo after the primaries are over. Already called it. They’ll break all of their own rules and throw out the efforts of everyone who wanted a different candidate.

    And there is no mechanism to punish them except for their own voters who are very forgiving.


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