“Did the Democrats turn their official Twitter account over to The Onion?” – IOTW Report

“Did the Democrats turn their official Twitter account over to The Onion?”

Patriot Retort: At last Saturday’s Women’s March disguised as a Teen March against gun violence, signs like this were quite commonplace.

Yes, they were on FIRE!!!!

As in, “Liar, Liar Pants on Fire.”

I don’t know what’s more remarkable. That the ACLU Virginia thought this was actually clever. Or that this young woman probably believes it.

I’ve possessed a uterus for almost fifty-five years and have yet to come across an incident where anyone in the Federal Government has infringed on it.

But no matter.

Clearly young women believe their uteri are overburdened with Government interference.

But if that’s the case, how do you explain this?

The other day the Democrats’ official Twitter account was placed into the hands of New York Congresswoman Grace Meng.

And in her first official tweet for the Official Twitter Account of the Democrats, Meng wrote this:

The Democrats @TheDemocrats

 Hi Twitter — @Grace4NY here. I’m a DNC Vice Chair, and in the spirit of , I’m taking over @TheDemocrats Twitter today to talk about why access to feminine hygiene products is an important economic justice issue. – @Grace4NY
Um. Access to feminine hygiene products is a problem?  MORE

19 Comments on “Did the Democrats turn their official Twitter account over to The Onion?”

  1. I thought the cool thing was to just let it flow out.
    Have got to get a playbook, they keep using these funny ones.
    There is a certain unemployed TV announcer who has a jewelry box full of them.

  2. As my dearly departed Daddy frequently intoned, “…in good times chickenshit matters!…

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. I am against this until and unless the government bans assault uteri – and particularly those high capacity uteri. Otherwise the cost of subsidizing feminine hygiene products will skyrocket and place an undue burden on the federal budget and these things may or may not be dangerous.

    (I may not be completely clear on how these things work, but I have a definite opinion based on my feelings.)

  4. “@TheDemocrats Twitter today to talk about why access to feminine hygiene products is an important economic justice issue. – @Grace4NY”

    Of course it is, it must be provided free by the masters in guberment.

  5. During the depression my mom did as her ancestors with uteri did, she tore worn out muslin sheets, folded the rags and washed out the product of menses for next months event. And they didn’t have washers and dryers. They hung the rags in the attic or a rack behind the potbelly stove. Grow up pink hats.

  6. Democrats, who have gone bat crap leftist crazy are perverts. Their milquetoast liberal counterparts support thier insanity.
    The left want control of every aspect of individuals lives and try to place blame on the right. A standard commie tactic.


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