Did The FBI Create The Mike Pence Gallows? – IOTW Report

Did The FBI Create The Mike Pence Gallows?

Salty Cracker explains.

FBI Has Still Not Identified Who Set Up the Fake Art “Gallows” on Jan. 6 or Arrested Anyone Chanting “Hang Mike Pence.”

11 Comments on Did The FBI Create The Mike Pence Gallows?

  1. The FBI also don’t know who supplied all the pallets of bricks delivered in advance in all those cities experiencing antifa/BLM riots during the Summer of Love.

  2. Jan. 6 – America’s Reichstag Fire.
    FBI’s playing their GESTAPO part to a “T.”

    They know it; the House knows it; the Media know it; and the SCROTUS knows it.

    But no one’s gonna do shit about it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Somebody pulled their underpants up, their boots on… and hanged Mike Pence!?


    Please to beat your naughty bits quieter. Some of us have things to do. While you dream of pædotrannies.

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