Did The FBI Steal 9 Tons Of Civil War Gold? – IOTW Report

Did The FBI Steal 9 Tons Of Civil War Gold?

90 Miles From Tyranny:

Did the FBI steal 9 tons of Civil War gold? This question has already featured in many a Travel Channel shows. But is there any truth to it? What actually happened?

The story begins in 1860 when legends have it that a big wagon that was stolen/missing in a remote area of western Pennsylvania, was filled with gold bullion. The load was supposed to reach the mint in Philadelphia but it never reached there.

This has led numerous treasure hunters to scour the forests in the area searching for a huge payday. Rumours suggest that the amount of gold in the wagon was around seven to nine tons that would be worth hundreds of millions of dollars today. But all the efforts to find that gold went in vain.

Things changed in 2018 as a duo of a father and son named Parada who co-own the treasure-hunting outfit Finders Keepers were searching Dent’s Run (a remote part of Elks County). They used a sophisticated metal detector and they found that it seemed to be a big hit of something metallic. more

h/t Joe6Pak

25 Comments on Did The FBI Steal 9 Tons Of Civil War Gold?

  1. Did the FBI steal 9 tons of Civil War gold?

    “….our story begins in 1860”

    :unscrews top of skull, scoops out brain with spatula, dumps in trash can:

  2. They have certainly proven that they are a criminal organization with zero integrity towards the written laws of the country so I don’t have any problem imagining their doing this.

  3. For perspective, lets say gold is $2,000 per ounce. 16 ounces per pound is $32k per pound. Times 18,000 lbs equal $576.0MM.

    The FIB’S 2019 Budget was $8.9B.

    So steal that much gold 15 and a half times a year and that’s how much we pay for the privilege of our palace guard that never saw a terrorist it didn’t want to put on the payroll or question and let go. While simultaneously declaring most of the people who pay taxes for its budget “domestic terrorists”.

  4. If it took jackhammers and backhoes to get it out, how did it get there in the first place (especially back i the late 1800’s when such things weren’t available)?

    I’m guessing it was probably just another run of the mill crashed UFO from long ago and now a cache of gold.

  5. One small problem, Cliche.

    A pound is equivalent to 14.5833 ounces of gold,
    since gold is measured in troy ounces. There’s 31.1035 grams per troy ounce.

    There are 29166.66835590 troy ounces in a US ton.
    times 9 tons = 262500.0152031 troy ounces times your price of $2000 per troy ounce = $525,000,030.

    The value is different when using the proper unit of measure.

    What’s more, since this is 1860, we may have been actually using the metric “tonne” rather than the imperial US ton, which increases the value about another 10%. The overall weight might be different too.

    Maybe we’ll never know for sure, as the fine details are probably lost to time.

    Either way, I wouldn’t scoff at finding it. 🙂

  6. Knowing the corrupt, dishonest, and lying culture that is the FBI, I wouldn’t put any perfidy or crime beyond them.

    We KNOW they manufacture fake “evidence” to facilitate otherwise weak prosecutions. We KNOW they murder innocents. We KNOW they coerce “testimony” from the ignorant and confused. We KNOW they support and defend the Traitors who have highjacked our elections. We KNOW they run interference for the Traitors in the Clinton Cabal, Obola’s Chicago Mob, New York’s criminal governing class, and the Child Sex rings of Hollyweird and Epstein.

    So, yeah, if they have a chance to steal, they steal – probably the least of their crimes. Same as the Gestapo, KGB, NKVD, Goering Combine, and the SS back in the day.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. It was confirmed by 2 metal scans to be a hunk of metal in the ground with the density of gold and between 7 to 9 tons.

    The FBI digs in an unauthorized overnight dig, comes back shrugs their shoulders and says, “Nope, nothing here.”

    Metal detectors are lying now? Or plain old dirt put off a metal signal? Yeah, riiiight.

    My guess it was either the gold or a UFO.

    I dunno, it COULD have been iron ore or some metallic rock, as the FBI hired goons were using jackhammers. To give them the benefit of the doubt. But I don’t, they are lyin bastards.

  8. The FBI has been corrupt for a long time.

    Years ago, some crooks stole a safe from a local business and later dumped it beside the road on a farmer’s property. The FBI was called in for reasons that aren’t clear to me and, during their investigation, they discovered that the farmer was also a gun collector. Rare, valuable guns, for which he had the required paperwork.

    They cleaned him out. Among the items they confiscated was a mint condition Gatling gun—a real museum piece. The farmer was not a litigious, contentions fellow and just shrugged it off as best he could. Probably couldn’t afford to fight the feds anyway.

  9. ” Among the items they confiscated was a mint condition Gatling gun—a real museum piece”

    That should have been contested since there is nothing illegal about a Gatling gun (They’re still made and you can buy one if you like and can afford it), unless it was once US Property that was stolen and never sold to a civilian as decommissioned and surplus.

  10. Aliens, or the flying negroes of Egypt, may have facilitated the movement of the wagon. Lincoln was a Vampire Slayer, so he may have had ins with either Aliens or flying negroes, or both!

    The flying negroes of Egypt had no problem flying those huge stones to the tops of the Pyramids – which averaged about 2 1/2 tons.

    I’m seein it – just as plausible as Joey Biden being elected Presidunce!

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. So now the FBI mission is to destroy the treasure hunters. Look for criminal charges, planted evidence, pre-dawn raids by armed agents/thugs, perp walks, no bail detention, solitary confinement, prison cell suicide.


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