Did you ever get a detention slip as a kid? – IOTW Report

Did you ever get a detention slip as a kid?


Here’s a guy reading a collection of  kids’ ridiculous detention slips.
Kids are weird nowadays. We were normal back then, amarite? 😜

^^^ Click ^^^  * Some Salty Language*

h/t Geoff


13 Comments on Did you ever get a detention slip as a kid?

  1. Today’s kids are totally out of control and I blame it on the parents.

    We got detention for shooting spit wads, some that had pins attached that hit the teachers’ padded bras and they didn’t have a clue. 🙂

    We thought we were rebellious but we were really so naive. I wish the same could be said for this generation. 🙁

  2. Our store was located near a parochial grade school and we sold some school supplies. The head nun phoned my mom and asked her if she would no longer sell the Tiny Tot staplers. Some of the older boys were shooting the staples into the nuns’ veils when they were writing on the blackboard and not seeing what went on behind them.

  3. What is with these videos of late where close to the end they cover up almost the entire picture with links to other videos so you can’t finish watching the current one properly?

    Now whenever that happens, I bail out of the video immediately and don’t go back. Maybe if enough people do the same these idiots will stop doing that.

    P.S. – This is one of those videos. Maybe the ending was funny, but I wouldn’t know.


  4. I guy who I wasn’t friends with,but many years later became a friend,shared a science class with me. When it came time to dissect frogs,this particular guy took a 20.00 bet that he’d eat parts out of a dissected frog. Absolutely no one thought he’d do it. Sure enoug,he ate a liver & a lung out of one of the frogs when we opened them up. He got a five day suspension.

  5. Lylelovet666, we probably got a bigger dose of formaldehyde
    from the American beer they exported to Europe in the 80’s.
    That shat was terrible hangover.

  6. My father in law who was a teacher at a parochial school and the Vice Principal as well called it the Board of education. In Junior High we’d get hacked for sneaking out of the line when we had to dance with the girls in gym class especially if it was with a homely or unpopular girl.

  7. My husband got busted his Junior year for putting a realtors “FOR SALE” sign in the front of the school. He and a couple of friends also shrink wrapped the principal’s car. With all the stories I’ve heard over the years, I’m surprised he made graduation. I, on the other hand, was an angel…NOT!

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