Did You Ever Wonder How Public Toilets Worked in Ancient Rome? – IOTW Report

Did You Ever Wonder How Public Toilets Worked in Ancient Rome?

Well. Wonder no more. Have a seat. (And watch your ass!)😳

21 Comments on Did You Ever Wonder How Public Toilets Worked in Ancient Rome?

  1. Same with the old Cleveland municipal stadium. The troughs were changed out sometime in the 80s. i never saw it myself, but i heard a lot of stories about drunken fights where the loser ended up in the trough.

  2. Oh, and the loser who ended up in the trough… I think that was at a 70s Browns game. We were playing the Steelers and a Steelers fan wearing a Steelers leather jacket was passed out (for whatever reason) so a couple of Browns fans put him in the trough where only God knows how many people pissed on him!

  3. “and on a hot day wearing shorts at a weekend baseball game it was tough to avoid the splash-back!”

    Giggle… You weren’t avoiding splash back with long pants on either. Urinals are kind of gross, but less gross than nowhere to pee.

    I’ve seen a few troughs in my day but the most difficult one I was presented with was being told to pee in the bathroom sink at an over-crowded party when I was 19. The mental block took me a minute or two to get past.


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