Did you hear about the violent teen flash mob that took over Chicago’s fanciest shopping area Saturday? – IOTW Report

Did you hear about the violent teen flash mob that took over Chicago’s fanciest shopping area Saturday?

American Thinker: The end result of indoctrination in government schools and mass media that teaches “urban youths” that American society is racist, corrupt, unfair, and unworthy of compliance is the crumbling of civil order.  When a substantial group of young males (the segment of society most prone to acting out with violence) think they have no stake in the continuation of existing social and property relations, they are able to impose anarchy in local areas.  When enough people think and feel this way, the forces of order – police, and in extremis the National Guard – can be overwhelmed and powerless to stop the disorder.

This nightmare scenario is developing step by step.  The rise of social media enables the organization of what are now called “flash mobs” that can descend on targets and cause chaos.  Sometimes, targets are chosen for the lucrative looting opportunities.  That appears to be what happened last Saturday night on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile, at the very heart of upscale shopping, dining, and residential life, the Water Tower Place, a multistory shopping mall at the base of a 74-story tower.

CWBChicago reports:

At least four people were injured and two arrests were made after a large group of teenagers went wild near Chicago’s historic Water Tower on Saturday evening, according to police and witnesses.

Security at the Water Tower Place shopping mall reported the first sign of trouble around 8:20 p.m.  Fifty teenagers were said to be involved in a fight near the mall entrance at 845 North Michigan Avenue.

Police summoned an ambulance for an injured juvenile.

As the shopping mall incident mellowed, sparks flew again less than a block away near the landmark historic Water Tower and Jane Byrne Plaza.

“These guys are running amok, they knocked an old lady down by Ghiradelli [sic],” came one report.

“They’re attacking people now,” another officer reported via radio.  MORE

14 Comments on Did you hear about the violent teen flash mob that took over Chicago’s fanciest shopping area Saturday?

  1. Laughing the stormy, husky, brawling laughter of
    Youth, half-naked, sweating, proud to be Hog
    Butcher, Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat, Player with
    Railroads and Freight Handler to the Nation.

    Maybe once, now they are the outstretched hand, the murderers and thieves.
    Sandburg would be aghast at the city he never looked at through rose tinted glasses.

  2. dog gone white privileged kids running amuck and destroying all those black owned business !

    oh, it was blacks destroying white businesses, move along nothing to see here.

    of course a whole 2 out of 50 were arrested. white privilege again.

  3. The only places I read about this were the Second City Cop website and CWB (crime in Wrigleyville and Boystown) website. Local news had nothing. My husband read about it in Wednesday’s Tribune – 4 days after the “event”. We walked right past there about 1/2 hour earlier on our way home from dinner after Mass. had to get home in time to watch Judge Janine at 8. I think they should brick up the exit from the Red Line at Chicago Ave. — the escape hatch to and fro the South Side. Call them kids call them southsiders call them youths call them disaffected but never what they really are — feral black teens run amok because of absent or addicted parents and law enforcement neutered by political correctness and democrat rule.

    Can’t wait for Memorial weekend and the rest of summer !

  4. Baltimore mayor, (I think). ‘Just let them get it out of their system’.

    As long as they are allowed to act like pigs, they will continue and encourage others to do so. The same applies to congress, the FBI, DOJ, IRS and others outlaws. Just look at the rewards of elitist leftist criminals; clinton mafia, obama mafia, Harry Reid, Mad Max Waters, Pelousy Pelosi and so on, right down to the mayor and officials of the obscure town of Adelanto, CA, gateway to El Mirage Lake.

    Americans MUST say enough! Get out and vote. Your vote counts; President Trump proves that everyday he cuts a swath through the corrupt swamp. He’s like the little ant in that old song.

  5. Just a preview of what is coming to a leftist shithole near you. The light loafer wearing light worker spent eight years degrading the ability of law enforcement to deal with this sort of thing. Are you so naive as to not recognize that was done for a reason.

  6. Flash Mobs are Category 2 Chimpouts. Cat 3’s require militia counterforces, Cat 4s relocation and Cat 5 is Planet of the Apes in which case you will need a time machine.

    Only Cat 0’s are safe and we’ll never have that again.


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