Did you know Sex Workers’ Rights are Women’s Rights? – IOTW Report

Did you know Sex Workers’ Rights are Women’s Rights?

Patriot Retort: Whelp. I think it’s fair to say the Women’s March has jumped the shark.

After a federal grand jury issued a 93-count indictment against the folks behind backpage.com for their involvement in illegal prostitution and money laundering, the Women’s March was apoplectic.

Sex Workers’ Rights are Women’s Rights?

Who’da thunk it?

I’m sure our Founders had sex trafficking in mind when they spoke of our unalienable rights.

So if you’re keeping score at home. Women’s Rights include the right to murder your unborn child and the right to be enslaved by sex traffickers.

Talk about reaching for the skies!

That’s right girls. You can do anything, be anything, accomplish anything – doctor, lawyer, astronaut, drug-addicted hooker. MORE

14 Comments on Did you know Sex Workers’ Rights are Women’s Rights?

  1. It’s amazing; one side says a woman’s body is her own to use as she wills as long as it’s to have an abortion while the other side says it’s not.

    Yet BOTH sides join to yell a woman can’t use her body to support the children she actually has to feed and house. Nothing but nanny state busy bodies.

    It’s ridiculous in the extreme that something free to give away is a crime to sell. In any event, it certainly isn’t the federal government’s business, and certainly isn’t worth kneecapping the first amendment.

  2. “It’s ridiculous in the extreme that something free to give away is a crime to sell.”
    @JustAl ~ you obviously don’t understand The Swamp™️ … if it can’t be regulated or taxed it must be criminalized … up to & including any form of charity

  3. prostitution is ugly no matter how
    you cut it.Most of these poor woman
    on the street were abused by daddy or his
    brother when they were little girls.That’s
    why child sexual abuse should carry the death penalty.

  4. ^
    Also, the fact that the left seems hell bend on normalizing prostitution has always alarmed me.
    It’s disgusting, degrading and ruins lives. End of story.


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