Did You Know That Whoopi Goldberg Took a Break From ‘The View’? – IOTW Report

Did You Know That Whoopi Goldberg Took a Break From ‘The View’?

She left a week ago. Who knew?

“If you’re wondering where Whoopi is, the girl’s got a movie she’s making and she will be back when she finishes whatever she’s doing,” fellow panelist Joy Behar revealed. “So she’s gone for a while.””The View” announced that Whoopi would return to the show on May 2.

27 Comments on Did You Know That Whoopi Goldberg Took a Break From ‘The View’?

  1. Who cares about Whoopi? Janelle Monáe just came out as non-binary. Why haven’t we all been made to care yet?!? I mean… Janelle Monáe. Non-Binary! ZOMG!! Why aren’t any of you caring yet?!

  2. Uhhh … no … actually I didn’t … never seen the shit-show.
    Don’t see how I could possibly care less – but you never know!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Hambone April 22, 2022 at 1:18 am

    I still wonder what the hell Ted Danson was thinking.

    He wasn’t thinking, that’s the point!


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