Did you know the DOJ has been investigating the FBI for 11 months? – IOTW Report

Did you know the DOJ has been investigating the FBI for 11 months?

Conservative Treehouse:

Hold-up on the criticism folks.  Three important statements today from the DOJ, FBI and OIG indicate there have been ongoing investigations and reviews of conduct within the upper tiers of leadership within the Department of Justice and the FBI.

Given the nature of the leaked IG investigation to the Washington Post and New York times; surrounding apex investigator and deputy head of counterintelligence at the FBI Peter Strzok; and accepting the direct approach of President Trump in his tweets toward that revelation; and adding the layer of Intel Chairman Devin Nunes threatening to file ‘contempt of congress charges‘; there is every indication something is about to break – very soon.

“[The allegations] if proven to be true, would raise serious questions of public trust. I look forward to receiving the Inspector General’s report. We will ensure that anyone who works on any investigation in the Department of Justice does so objectively and free from bias or favoritism.”

“My job is to restore confidence in the Department of Justice in all aspects of our work and I intend to do so. As such, I have directed that the FBI Director review the information available on this and other matters and promptly make any necessary changes to his management and investigative teams consistent with the highest professional standards.”

~ Attorney General Jeff Sessions

“When the FBI first learned of the allegations, the employees involved were immediately reassigned, consistent with practices involving employee matters.”

~ FBI Spokesperson

Here’s the critical OIG statement:

“The January 2017 statement issued by the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG) announcing its review of allegations regarding various actions of the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation in advance of the 2016 electionstated that the OIG review would, among other things, consider whether certain underlying investigative decisions were based on improper considerations and that we also would include issues that might arise during the course of the review.

The OIG has been reviewing allegations involving communications between certain individuals, and will report its findings regarding those allegations promptly upon completion of the review of them.”

~ Justice Department Office of the Inspector General

What the OIG statement is saying is that for 11 months the Dept of Justice OIG office has been investigating the politicization within the DOJ and FBI and deciding if the actions, or lack of action, was driven by the political ideology of the participants therein.

I was not aware this investigation was taking place, were you?  Keep Reading

21 Comments on Did you know the DOJ has been investigating the FBI for 11 months?

  1. Sounds good in print, but in the end I think it will be one of these Deep state investigations being conducted by deep state investigators. Just like Comey investigating Hillary.

  2. cue me when Hillary, Comey, bill, Obozo, Jarrett, Lynch, Holder and numerous other free felons at all wearing prison jump suits. The above article makes good copy but the swampettes will cover for them. We may never be able to drain the swamp but we can poison it.

  3. I can’t help but think of the phrase, “grasping at straws” here. We want so badly for this to turn out to be a master plan and have Columbo, Monk or Sherlock reveal the bad guy and wrap up the show in a nice bow.

    But I can’t give up. I have been praying for this country and as long as there are others praying, I have hope.

  4. It’s revealing that Strzok felt safe enough from any oversight, he wrote e-mails to the DOJ lawyer he was canoodling with, on FBI servers.
    E-mails where he openly expressed distain for the CiC.
    Who is in charge there, Bluto Blutarsky?


    How many times have I heard “They got Hillary NOW!” –no they don’t. They never will. She will sneak out of every lie, every investigation, every subpoena, every interview. Nothing will happen. Trust me, I’ve been down this road many times before.

  6. It just seems to me like the fox guarding the hen house. To be perfectly honest though how can someone be found to investigate any branch of government who doesn’t have ties to the government or aren’t liberal activists?
    I know there are lawyers and prosecutors who aren’t liberals, but it’s almost like finding a needle in a haystack to find them. Sadly, even many if not majority in all of LE are liberal hacks anymore. I had a chat awhile ago with a LE officer, it was during all the Michael Brown bullshit and he said, “I can see their point of view, minorities are treated unfairly in the justice system. I just wish there was a better way to have their voices heard, but maybe this is the only way.”

    This is in a red state, red county and red city. I pissed him off when I told him if he ever had to shoot a minority I’d be sure to let people know he didn’t need defending because he believed in their cause.

  7. “My job is to restore confidence in the Department of Justice in all aspects of our work and I intend to do so.”

    ~ Attorney General Jeff Sessions

    Ruby Ridge? Waco? Benghazi? Tarmac negotiations? State Department e-mails? IRS versus everyone that wasn’t in the septic tank for Obama? (Feel free to add your, personal, dozens more favorites.)

    Tweet us when the the where of dozens and dozens (literally literally) of corpses are hanging from lampposts, with their canceled badges strung around their necks, is available to assure the public that a start has been made (just a start) at doing something to “restore public faith”.

    Just reaching into our pockets again, with a smile and a squeeze, is business as usual, El Jeffe.

  8. You know how it is… If it’s bad for Trump, it leaks like a goddamn sieve. If it’s bad for democrats, then nothing ever leaks out because they’re busy concocting a narrative to protect the usual guilty as fuck democrat assholes… Clinton… Lynch… Comey… Obama… etc.

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