Diddy got arrested, and in case you didn’t know… – IOTW Report

Diddy got arrested, and in case you didn’t know…

Diddy got arrested, And in case you don’t know yet- he was the Epstein of the music industry. Huge portions of the music industry is based on organized crime and a poison to our society.
Ian Carroll has the details.

*****P.S. It’s gross.

15 Comments on Diddy got arrested, and in case you didn’t know…

  1. Wow! what a demoniac deviant, criminal freak. He’s going to prison – Good! Then, if he ever gets out of the “pen”, Diddy will be on food stamps and riding the bus. The Feds are going to confiscate all he owns. No less than he deserves.

  2. Not really surprising that the music and entertainment industry is chock full of low-life perverts, but the fact that it really an organized crime rathole is even worse than I imagined. I hope the country music singers/bands that I listen to aren’t part of that. I tend to listen to the older country, so maybe not.

    Ugh. What is wrong with so many people?!

  3. He was competing with the CIA/Biden/Harris/Mayorkas/etc. human trafficking cartel and so had to go. Assuming he doesn’t have any dirt on anyone TPTB thinks “matters,” he will likely live long enough to do time.

  4. I grew up in a home that was always filled with many different kinds of music. My parents bought a really nice Zenith stereo with AM/FM and turntable. They belonged to the Columbia Record Club. There was everything from The Chuck Wagon Gang to Vince Guaraldi, Perry Como to Andy Williams, Eddie Arnold to opera, Les Paul & Mary Ford to bluegrass, movie theme songs to Patty Page. When us kids were older, we started adding our own music like the Beatles and Beach Boys. There was always music playing and because none of it was rap or hip-hop, it was always good.

  5. Gee, it’s hard to imagine that the pillars of the rap and hip-hop music industry, where practically every song is about degrading whores and bitches and shakin’ that ass, would be anything other than perfect gentlemen. Who could have seen this coming?

  6. @ Turbo – oh I think there was plenty of grease! Over 1,000 bottles of Baby Oil taken into evidence, per reports. I think the controlling partner in his business is the DS. He videotaped/blackmailed/sodomized the wrong guy, or he’d still be doing business as usual.

  7. Dave Grohl is happy he’s not in the news anymore, thanks diddy
    Israel is happy they’re not in the news anymore, thanks diddy
    Alec Baldwin is happy he’s not in the news anymore, thanks diddy
    Hunter Biden is happy he’s not in the news anymore, thanks diddy


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