Digital Bill of Rights: Trump vows to ban feds from ID-ing domestic ‘misinformation’ if elected – IOTW Report

Digital Bill of Rights: Trump vows to ban feds from ID-ing domestic ‘misinformation’ if elected

While the emotionally shaken Conservative Inc., and Never Trumpers are freaking out on Twitter over Trump’s new NFT, they didn’t notice his statement today.

NYPost: Former President Donald Trump vowed Thursday that he will ban the federal government from using the terms “misinformation” and “disinformation” to describe domestic speech if he retakes the White House.

The 76-year-old Trump made the pledge as part of a broader “free speech” platform announced in a video policy statement shared with The Post — vowing also to impose a seven-year ban on former FBI and CIA workers handling private-sector US consumer records.

Trump said this month’s “Twitter Files” releases “confirmed that a sinister group of Deep State bureaucrats, Silicon Valley tyrants, left-wing activists, and depraved corporate news media have been conspiring to manipulate and silence the American People.”

“The censorship cartel must be dismantled and destroyed — and it must happen immediately,” Trump said in the video, which is expected to be the first in a series of policy announcements as part of his 2024 presidential campaign.

Some of Trump’s proposals — such as limiting Section 230 legal immunity for tech platforms unless they act with political neutrality — were pushed by the 45th president since his time in office, while others would forge new ground.

Trump said that one of his first acts as the 47th president in January 2025 would be to prohibit federal policing of lawful domestic speech. more

8 Comments on Digital Bill of Rights: Trump vows to ban feds from ID-ing domestic ‘misinformation’ if elected

  1. “Mis-information” = my opinion
    “Dis-information” = my opinion

    Saw someone recently who said that this use of language is a tool to obfuscate meaning.
    There are real words that have legal consequences for certain types of speech, such as libel and slander. These are real words with real consequences. The “mis-” in front of real words just makes them sound acceptable.

    I am also disgusted by new acronyms to make awful things sound good.
    The most disgusting is “MAID” it stands for “medical assistance in dying”. How clean MAID sounds compared to assisted suicide.
    And of course there are so many others.

    Perhaps this could be a topic where we could submit our own favorite words or acronyms that have crept up in the past few years.

  2. We elected Trump on the premises he would drain the swamp.
    He did nothing to drain the swamp.
    Do we give a second chance or do we look for someone better.
    If I was elected, I would be put in prison immediately for cancelling all the dirt bag dems and rino’s

  3. Name one person better than Trump with a proven America First record who isn’t backed by RINO and I would be happy to consider them.

    Of course, then they would have to make it through the media gauntlet…

  4. You can slam Trump for his choice of A B and C in his cabinet, but seriously? He can’t fight the deepstate all by himself.

    Does no one hear him when he says ‘the people’ have to do some work, too? He can’t do it alone.

  5. You want to help Trump and the good guys in Congress and in your counties? Get involved in Green Dragon Tavern meetings.

    Ask the parents who flipped school boards to Conservative all across the country. That’s how they did it. They met and did something. They weren’t on Twitter bitching about superficial shit about Trump or whoever.

    Oh lawd! Trump has NFT cards! How gawdy!11!!
    Really? Motherfuckers on the Left are shaking their junk in kids faces.
    Biden and his son were doing criminal shit, as shown in Hunter’s laptop.
    Anyone see Ashley’s diary?
    The Biden admin and 0bama and Bushes before them are human trafficking illegal aliens for work in food plants, as hookers, and
    using them in clinical trials.

    How much did you pay for gas, eggs, and socks this week?
    What’s the interest rate on your credit cards?

    Did you trust that your vote counted?

    ooooh but Trump has a shiny card with him golfing on it.
    BANISH HIM!1111!!

    Trump has been out there kicking hornets nests. Grab some RAID or STFU.

  6. You can’t vote one man in and expect to wake up in Shangra-La-Di-Da Valley.

    Trump was a wrecking ball, and we got a glimpse as to who swung on the ball with him, and who didn’t.

    Why yell at Trump?

    How does he get Andrew McCarthy out? Mitch McConnell? Lindsey Graham? That is up to the voters in each state. Your beef is with squishy Rinos. Nothing can get done with the ball-less Mitt Romneys blocking efforts, committees, hearings, etc.


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