Does the climate scientist in the cartoon remind you of anyone?

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  1. Corona. Michael Mann of hockey stick graph infamy is suing Mark Steyn because Mark told him in a certain way the he, Mann, is full of shit. That’s my lay man’s way of putting it.

  2. I have always been a big fan of Dilbert, even before I became political.
    I have a bunch of old Dilbert hardcover books.
    Unfortunately, they don’t sell for much on the secondary market.
    I should send them to BFH to use as contest prizes.

  3. Michael”Jim Jones” Mann, being the climatology guru of the frickin’ 90’s is what every cult leader has ever been. A self riteous arrogant fool, and deserving of any criticism to come their way. Unfortunately the powers that be believe his crap. Kind of like being the guy who sees through the cultists shit and gets taken out back. never to be heard from again, except Stein won’t be silenced. We need more like him.

  4. DemocRAT induced Unicorn farts are destroying the OZONE level on Planet Earth…let’s kill all the democRATS that are feeding the Unicorns!

    That’s basically the same thing the fuckin’ liberals and treehuggers did to the refrigeration industry back in the late 1990’s!

  5. What Doc said. In the military I had to go to the
    three day indoctrination “school” where they didn’t
    teach shit other than freon kills the ozone layer
    and destroys the world. Then you had to take a phocken
    test that was a bitch on the bullshit they’d spouted for
    three days.
    If you asked a question about their science, they’d
    shut you down and try to make you look stupid. We were

  6. When I went to get my Freon license, the guy opened with “There’s good Ozone and bad Ozone …” and I knew that Ozone (O3) is Ozone (O3) and that the ensuing was going to be complete and utter BULLSHIT.
    Be that as it may, I sat through the BULLSHIT and received my license after passing a 4-part Exam.
    This Globaloney Cult is as old as time – the worshipping of the gods and golems of the rivers and forests – and is not like to perish in this Age of Un-Reason.

    Ignorance is rife. Mal-education is the norm. Paganism is on the rise (of which this is one manifestation). And the God-less are becoming increasingly militant.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Dead on, Tim. Montreal Protocol be damned, but I sat through that crap for universal too. And I just loved steaming down in the machinery rooms after they decided Halon 1301 was an ozone killer and disconnected all the supply hoses. So much for the best fire suppression alternative ever invented keeping me safe. Liberal ignorance risks lives.

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