Diminutive Dictator looks down on Freedom – IOTW Report

Diminutive Dictator looks down on Freedom

Patriot Retort: Last November I warned that if we think the diminutive dictator Tony Fauci was bad with Trump in the White House, just wait until he’s unleashed on the country by Joe Biden.

At the time, this wannabe diminutive dictator dismissed the idea of Individual Liberty in favor of “do what you’re told.”


Trump, for all his personnel mistakes, at least kept Herr Doktor Fauci in check. The diminutive dictator could do no more than impotently whine about Americans’ love for pesky, inconvenient things like Freedom, Liberty, and Federalism. more

15 Comments on Diminutive Dictator looks down on Freedom

  1. This guy needed to be dismissed long ago. Lets get someone who’s on board with what went on and where its going. Instead of a biased one sided fact and truth resistant carny barker who’s hiding his role in Covid-19 BS.

  2. Billy F,
    That’s “Fauxi”, “F-A-U-X-I”.
    If you’re going to swear at the pencil neck, at least get the name right.
    I whole heartedly concur with the sentiment, “FUCK FAUXI! In the ass. With a pineapple. Extra large. Fronds first.”

  3. I think we are about to find out just what happens when the government ignore court orders. There is really nothing anybody can do about it and they know it. Who’s going to arrest them, the FBI?

  4. Fauxi looks down on my Freedom and I look down on him.

    If he comes at me with his lying nonsense I have no problem punching down. I’ll bury the clown for the good of humanity.

  5. Anon 12:42
    Be sure to bury him up to his crotch…….head first.
    Then he can still serve a useful purpose, as either a bicycle rack, or for someone to kick his groin to vent their anger.


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