Dindu Nafeen arrested for rape in NYC – IOTW Report

Dindu Nafeen arrested for rape in NYC

“It’s a shock. I knew nothing of this,” the dad said following Rey’s arraignment on Wednesday. “This is all fabricated. My son is a good person.” – Pakistani Diplomat Muhammad Rahimoon.

dindu nafeen - rey


Secret’s Out, Look What Muslim Diplomat’s Son Was Just Caught Doing In NYC.

Muhammad’s 20-year-old son, Mehmood Rahimoon, was just  following the Quran and his Islamic faith, when he tracked down a nice young girl to make his sexual slave and insulted the child’s father. According to the New York Daily News, the perpetrator, who goes by Rey, used an anonymous messaging phone app called Whisper to engage in conversations with young girls and groom them to later take them to places where he would rape them.  more here


17 Comments on Dindu Nafeen arrested for rape in NYC

  1. And, the motel is a dump. It’s only a few miles down the road from me. A cursory perusal of the guest register indicates an extraordinarily high percentage of clients named Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

  2. In Texas, they’d be scraping his flesh off the fathers’ boots. Garbage like this isn’t even worth a bullet.

    And unlike Nuh Yawk, juries in Texas are pretty much all-powerful and would likely nullify whatever law violation these dads’ were charged with.

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