Director Cheatle In The Hot Seat – IOTW Report

Director Cheatle In The Hot Seat

Rep. Pat Fallon Eviscerates Secret Service Director Cheatle: ‘You Should Go Back to Guarding Doritos.’

Rep. Nancy Mace Did Not Come to Play – Destroys Secret Service DEI Director Kim Cheatle — Tells Her She’s “Full of Sh*t” for Dodging Questions to Committee.

Rep. Tim Burchett Blasts Biden’s Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle as a ‘DEI Horror Story’ in Fiery Oversight Committee Hearing.

19 Comments on Director Cheatle In The Hot Seat

  1. People runnin’ everywhere
    Don’t know where to go
    Don’t know where I am
    Can’t see past the next step
    Don’t have time to think past the last one
    Have no time to look around
    Just run around, run around think why
    They allowed him on the roof
    They let him take the shots
    They took him out so he couldn’t talk.


  2. If you’re high up enough on the FedGov org chart, you never have to plead the Fifth, because everything is an Ongoing Investigation, Classified Information or I Have No Recollection. And in Hillary’s special case, What Does It Matter Anyway.

  3. Version 2

    People runnin’ everywhere
    Don’t know where to go
    Don’t know where I am
    Can’t see past the next step
    Don’t have time to think past the last one
    Have no time to look around
    Just run around, run around think why
    They allowed him on the roof
    They let him take the shots
    They took him out so he couldn’t talk.

    And just like that
    The Left wuz happy
    someone had an AR-15!

    Welcome to the 2024 Hypocrisy Olympics!

  4. I’m still trying to figure out just WTF it means to be ‘in the hot seat’, to be ‘grilled’ by a senator, to have ‘mean, hard-core’ questions directed at you when ‘NOTHING’ ever comes of it.

    The usual suspects know all they have to do is listen to the ‘firey’ comments/questions and then they can go back to ‘business as usual’.

    Big Fucking Whoop.

  5. Screw Nancy Mace. She was a vote helping to imprison Bannon.

    She is riding coattails and trying to crawl out from under the rock where she deserves to be.
    She’s dead to me.

  6. And yet, she, like Garland and Mayorkas and Cardona and Granholm and Buttigieg all know that they are bullet proof and have absolutely nothing to worry about.

    That seat is only hot if you can get burned. The small price they have to pay, pay for their neglect, incompetence and fraud perpetrated on the people is that occasionally they have to go before Congress and act contrite, to put on their fake stern and solemn face and pretend they are getting dressed down, when inside they are laughing their asses off, knowing they are protected.

  7. I told Ms Cheatle not to sweat.
    She’s coming over for a pool party and margaritas and my house.

    I’m considering hiring either Trey Gowdy or Darryl Issa to clean my pool.

    ciao xoxox

  8. Despite what they say, or how they pose,
    absolutely NO ONE in the Legislative Branch
    will do jack shit about a now
    OBVIOUS government-run assassination attempt
    on a US President. (another, if they ever reveal the truth about JFK)

  9. Meanwhile the SS is wandering around without competent leadership and the entire nation is drifting around with no one at the helm. Talk about a wide-open window of opportunity for our enemies!! It’s a sure formula to get worse… a lot worse!


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