Dirty little secrets Disney doesn’t want you to know – IOTW Report

Dirty little secrets Disney doesn’t want you to know

donald duck angry


Very gruesome duck tales

[…] The nightly “Fantasmic!” show on the Rivers of America is a big highlight. “As part of the show, they basically set the river on fire,” says Koenig. “They have this giant, fire-breathing dragon from ‘Sleeping Beauty.’ It roars fire and it’s as if the river catches on fire.”

But when “Fantasmic!” debuted at Disneyland in the early 1990s, it had an unfortunate and decidedly kid-unfriendly effect to which one of Disney’s biggest stars certainly would have objected. “What they quickly discovered when they first had the show was that the ducks that liked to hang out on the river were being cooked.”


13 Comments on Dirty little secrets Disney doesn’t want you to know

  1. We go to WDW every couple of years because the wife and son love it. I am Disneyed out, so I go golfing at the local courses instead. That much happy can make a man snap. Magnolia is magnificent, btw. Highly recommended.

    You can buy beer in every park except MK now. Bonus. Wherever there are people there will be stories. Such is life.

  2. Does Disney even have the cartoon with Donald Duck in Der Fuhrer’s Face anymore or was that whitewashed and become verboten like Song Of the South with Brer Rabbit etc. in it. I am not a Disney fan anymore, the old stuff yes that we grew up with as baby boomers in the 50’s and 60’s, the new crap fuggedabout it. Can you imagine how politically correct Davy Crockett would be today or the Swamp Fox or The Scarecrow etc. And Chip and Dale just couldn’t be the same either or Huey, Dewy and Louie… And the nature videos especially the one with the lemmings jumping off of cliffs and committing mass lemming suicide. I’d say they’ve pretty much MICKEY MOUSED themselves nowadays into nothing but lowest common denominator crap.

  3. And by the way Old Yeller and Bambi are among the top 25 horror movies of all time by some dumbass namby pamby baby boomers because it scared them when they were little. Sort of like my brother who was freaked out by the Talking trees in Babes In Toyland back in the early 60’s.

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