Disciplining the President – IOTW Report

Disciplining the President

“Every person who is trying to control Donald Trump and not let him be the person that he is has failed in their roles,” an associate of many senior White House officials and a close friend of the president told Breitbart News. “The establishment and elitists continue to think they are smarter than Trump. However, he has proven them wrong time and time again.”

Breitbart: The West Wing is leaking like a sieve again, this time with details pouring out of the White House into the press about how the new command and control structure is attempting to contain and manage President Donald Trump. But it does not appear they will be successful.

The main goal, per many White House leaks across the media, appears to be senior staff controlling what information and reports make it to President Trump—and tamping down who the president talks to and who has access to the president.

Bloomberg’s Jennifer Jacobs and Margaret Talev wrote on Thursday:

Since retired Marine Corps General John Kelly started as White House chief of staff last month, President Donald Trump has added a routine caveat before approving proposals advisers place before him: Check with ‘The General’ before moving ahead. It’s a marked departure from Trump’s instinct to manage around Kelly’s predecessor, Reince Priebus. When making a decision, one aide recalls, Trump often would caution, ‘Don’t tell Reince.’ Trump’s appointment of Kelly has imposed new order on a White House that had been riven with infighting among warring camps. But it hasn’t been the political lifeline Republican allies had hoped for, as Kelly has so far been unable to perform one of the chief of staff’s most basic duties: to stop a president from following his worst instincts.

The Bloomberg piece is hardly the only one in media about new structures in the latest round of West Wing leaks pouring out of the White House.

Aug. 16, the Washington Post’s Ashley Parker and Bob Costa reported that Kelly has instituted a new structure for communication with the president.

“As the new White House chief of staff, John F. Kelly routes all calls to and from President Trump through the White House switchboard, where he can sign off on them,” Parker and Costa wrote. “He stanches the flow of information reaching the president’s desk. And he requires that all staff members — including Trump’s relatives — go through him to reach the president.”

13 Comments on Disciplining the President

  1. Now S. Gorka has been pushed out. Trump is now surrounded by the types of people I hoped he would have avoided. You’d think he would have wanted more people that share his view close. I still say McMaster is a treachorus worm.

  2. People want us to think that we elected a child for President. Their new strategy is to call the President “mentally ill”, although the only person I remember having seizures and blackouts during the campaign was Hillary.
    I prefer to think that we elected a strong and strategist business man and that he knows what he is doing. What exactly has the President done that is hurting America? I’ll start criticizing him based on his actions not on the actions of those surrounding him. He is the President and I trust and pray for him. And most important, we must remember, God is the one in full control.

  3. Helps explain why, with the exception of executive orders, little is getting accomplished. The Dept. of State is still teeming with rodents, Koskinon still heads the IRS {with that irritating smirk}, The Dept. of Justice is dormant, and the White House is crawling with Obozo holdovers. What gives?

  4. What gives is what happens when there is a power vacuum in the highest levels of power in a government that doesn’t have a traditional Republican as President. Any Conservative has to be alarmed by the departures of Bannon and Gorka from Trump’s Administration. Who is going to replace them? That is the question that remains unanswered for Conservatives. Bannon and Gorka scared the hell out of Liberals, because they could articulate a program that would fundamentally transform ( remember that phrase? ) this country back from the socialist path it was on under Obama. Anyone who thinks that these two men can accomplish more locked out of the White House is delusional.

  5. @Val – you’re exactly right. Priebus was weak and let people walk all over him. Kelly is doing the chief of staff’s job and it’s being sold as Trump is a weak minded easily led buffon like Obama.

    His beliefs haven’t changed. His MAGA objectives are consistent with what he said 30 years ago. He wasn’t being a politician to get elected – he gave up a comfortable life to work for free getting the county back on the right path.

    There are precious few who want him to succeed. Bannon and Gorka – fine men – were not elected and can probably be more effective championing MAGA by calling out the alt-left press than staying in the White House and being attacked as white nationalists.

    I could be wrong but so far everyone who wrote Trump off as being stupid and uninformed has lost – bigly.

  6. Anyone that concludes that the WP or the NYT is telling the truth about White House politics needs to step back for a moment. Trump is a skilled illusionist and promoter. Don’t fret, just enjoy the show as President Trump disassembles the democrat machine.

    I would expect that Bannon an Gorka will play a significant role in a Trump internet news organization.

  7. This is nothing more than the continuation of the bullshit we’ve had to endure since Trump announced his candidacy. Remember back at all the times it was claimed that Trump finally stepped in the pile of shit that was going to be his undoing. Nothing sticks so they move on to the next fabrication. Has trump changed? Did you listen to his last speech? Sounded the same as the Trump I voted for.

  8. I hate the fact that so many pols, especially repugnicans, noozies, bureaucrats, and assorted petty self-appointed pundits are doing all they can to keep DJT from being the sort of president and doing the things he promised during his campaign that millions of voters wanted when we cast our ballots. I understood back then that he would have a lot of push-back, but what’s been happening has surprised even cynical Uncle Al.

    But even if he gets nothing else done except what he can do via executive orders and most importantly gets to install one more Supreme Court justice of the caliber of Gorsuch, I’ll regard his 1st term as highly successful.

  9. Trump is picking people who have been affiliated with the Clintons. He could have more than a few reasons for keeping them close. You cannot judge Trump by what you think you see as he is way too clever for these criminals.

  10. MJA; I agree with what you have noted. Bush begat McCain who guaranteed that Obama was going to begat all of us. What I’m saying is that a traditional Republican would come to the Presidency with all sorts of traditional Republicans to occupy positions in the administration. Bannon and Gorka were not traditional White House appointments. Their departures are going to lead to more traditional appointments, and that almost guarantees less conservative political views will be heard in the Trump Administration. I liked Bannon and Gorka being in the Trump Administration because they were so non traditional. I’m sick of what the Republican Party evolved into under Bush and McConnell and Ryan.

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