Disconnected From Reality – BLS Employment Report Showing 517,000 Jobs Gained in January is Laughable – IOTW Report

Disconnected From Reality – BLS Employment Report Showing 517,000 Jobs Gained in January is Laughable

CTH: The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) published a jobs report yesterday [DATA LINK] that has stunned the professional financial class.   However, those who have followed the BLS data assemblies were laughing – not surprised.  Eventually, if this continues, the BLS pretzel logic will start using terms like “eleventy.”

Throughout 2022, the BLS modified the underlying data they used to assemble their jobs reporting.  The latest release shows that 517,000 jobs were gained in the labor market, despite every other economic indicator showing we are in an economy of contraction.  The question becomes, why the disconnect?

There are two surveys that make up the BLS reporting.  The Household survey is conducted by calling people and just asking if they are employed.  The Payroll survey is conducted by reviewing large and medium businesses, no small businesses are included, and that plays a role in the disconnect. more

8 Comments on Disconnected From Reality – BLS Employment Report Showing 517,000 Jobs Gained in January is Laughable

  1. Eleventeen – Higher math.

    HVAC industry has severe parts shortages.
    I have had NO new commercial rooftop units since September.
    Copper pipe shortages and inconsistent pricing.
    4 of my competitors have had most of their staff quit and go to easier Jobs with No replacement workers.
    2 years of trade schools NOT Taking in students because of COOF.
    And many of us retired a couple years early rather than deal with the COOF TESTING and having to stay home for 2 weeks if you tested positive.

    I’m assuming that MANY INDUSTRIES have the same type of SHIT.

  2. Funny, when this was reported on NBC Friday evening news, I laughingly said to hubby, will be revised down next month. Nothing to see here, please move on. I’m just a dumb housewife in farmland Ohio and I could see something seemed sketchy

  3. I wonder if the Federal Government will ever get it’s credibility back after this shit show. They continue to piss on us and tell us it’s raining.
    Manufacturing is tanking. It use to take us 10 to 15 days to get cut aluminum plate, now it’s two days. A day to cut, a day to ship.
    In case you didn’t know, the Biden administrationclownshow, has been unable to remove DJT’s tariff on Aluminum. Chinese aluminum is on average 80% more expensive than domestic melt. That’s got to be killing the little bastards.

  4. Laughable, my ass. It doesn’t come close to passing the straight face test, but to buy into it being humorous is to Mimi what the subhuman pieces of shot are up to.

    There is a morning radio host on one of the Seattle establishment Republicans radio stations that chuckles through what is one unmitigated disaster after another. What that does is pass on to others that what is going down is a product of incompetence when it is a stone cold natural fact that it is deliberate, systematic, gratuitous destruction and a feature of what the progressive movement is up to.

    Satan is a thief, a murder and a liar and to destroy what others have worked their asses off to produce is to negate that part of their lives they spent in that endeavor. By destroying what they have accomplished is to steal that portion of their lives and make no mistake about it, they see that as an accomplishment. In effect the cumulative affect in the wicked and evil lives of the followers of this Satanic cult is to destroy human lives by destroying what others have produced. Thereby pleasing their master.

    To minimize the shit they pull is to be complicit in advancing their cause. Don’t do it.


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