“…Discovery and subsequent filings show that Americans’ election questioning is warranted, justified, and 100% accurate.” – IOTW Report

“…Discovery and subsequent filings show that Americans’ election questioning is warranted, justified, and 100% accurate.”

Conservative Daily: For over two years, we’ve been gaslit and lied to about the nature of our electronic voting systems and their capabilities. Since the 2020 Election, anyone or any entity who challenges the uncertifiable results of the 2020 has been publicly shamed and framed as an “election denier.” 

But last Thursday, FOX News filed a brief in their case with Dominion Voting Systems, revealing that Dominion’s own employees expressed serious concerns about the security of its machines. According to The Gateway Pundit: 

“Mark Beckstrand, a Dominion Sales Manager, confirmed that other parties ‘have gotten ahold of [Dominion’s] equipment illicitly’ in the past. Beckstrand identified specific instances in Georgia and North Carolina and testified that a Dominion machine was ‘hacked’ in Michigan.  Beckstrand confirmed that these security failures were ‘reported about in the news.’ And just weeks before the 2020 presidential election, Dominion’s Director of Product Strategy and Security, Eric Coomer, acknowledged in private that ‘our shit is just riddled with bugs.’  Indeed, Coomer had been castigating Dominion’s failures for years. In 2019, Coomer noted that ‘our products suck.’  He lamented that ‘[a]lmost all’ of Dominion’s technological failings were ‘due to our complete f— up in installation.’”

In another instance, Coomer identified a “*critical* bug leading to INCORRECT results.” Ex.H4, Coomer Email (Jan. 5, 2018). “It does not get much worse than that,” Coomer lamented in the email, stating that “we don’t address our weaknesses effectively!” more

18 Comments on “…Discovery and subsequent filings show that Americans’ election questioning is warranted, justified, and 100% accurate.”

  1. It’s all part of the “Fundamental Transformation” designed, engineered and created by the DNC, Obama and his handlers to control future elections for democrats.



  2. sydney powell said the country has not been turning blue, they’ve been cheating on a massive scale

    the (s)elections have been going on for more many many years
    the machines just gave the cheaters another way to cheat

    and i’m very much enjoying watching the panic from the J6 panel

    cult people Donna? lolol
    you really need to get your head outta your ass you’ll find the air is much better

  3. It seemed 2020 was STOLEN when so many states had used GWB’s Canucks. Bush’s Canucks go by DOMINION!

    IT WAS LEAR BY 2/21 TAT IT WAS RIGGED when GWB’s boy John refused to allow any evidence of fraud to be presented in court! 13 times between Nov 20 and Feb 21 John protected DOMINIKON with – “NO STANDING”!

    DOMINION “Counts” – fabricates – the votes in GA. Kemp won! COINCIDENCE?

    Not to me!

  4. Again only supported by the cult of Trump. Come again in 2024 he will lose again. Cult members will be singing the blues again onto deaf ears. Pull your head out of your ass? Speak for yourself cult member.

  5. awe, did i offend you donna? hahahahah
    it must be mighty stinky where you are
    nobody cares what you think, do, or say so sit down & stfu, better yet gtfoh
    go play on the train tracks

  6. Donna always come out at night. Real men find that pink hair and fat belly repulsive. So no dick for Donna. She get board after rubbing one out, comes on here and demonstrates why all men avoid her

    Trump received 10 million MORE VOTES than Obama! Trump received MORE VOTES than ANY previous sitting President! #Trump2024 or BUST

    Turn the table on them. CALL THEM “ELECTION FRAUD DENIERS”

  8. Boy I just love claiming election fraud. Cums in sooooo many flavas, orange fraud, Arizona “butch” fraud, Texas migrate fraud, Miami homeboy fraud, my willy got coofed fraud & of course my favorite, b’boys bendover smile & spread em fraud.

  9. Brad boy just loves throw-in shade. But that’s all he has these days since gettin the Covid-19 multiple times his dick has shrunkin & been Swengalied in a teeny-tiny lil thing. You’d be one pissed-off & angry ole dude too.


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