Discuss: – IOTW Report


I need to know the name of the super hero, the sidekick, and their field of expertise.

61 Comments on Discuss:

  1. All I can think of is baby blankets and throw rugs. Maybe some sort of stork posse. Complete with magic carpet man and super mom. I guess that means they get equal standing in the eyes of their admirers. Myself, I prefer the old school stork.

  2. Cannabis man and his sidekick bong breath. Got an emergency? You’re harshing Their buzz but they’ll drive the VW microbus to your peril once the brownies are baked and super heroes are baked.

  3. Thor Throwrug and his sidekick Comrade Comforter. Their purpose is not to prevent crime or catch any criminals, but instead to make the crime scene look fabulous and inviting.

  4. I think these are the same people who gave my wife and I a macramé plant hangar as a wedding gift 40 years ago. Hey it was the 70’s and macramé was cool back then. It’s Mac and his sidekick partner Rame’ making the world safer one colorful stitch at a time. They make pot holders and dishrags and accessorize clothing for the less fortunate to give away at craft shows all over the country.

  5. Why, it’s Rainbow Leprechaun, and her faithful servant The Afghan Warlord. It must mean that tent’s been pitched for more than four hours. Fear not, good citizen, it won’t be for much longer.

  6. Captain Crochet Hook and Granny Squae

    LOL @ PHenry, I remember the joke from decades ago.

    A woman gets picked up in a bar by a disguised super hero. They spend the night doing the horizontal mambo. In the morning he introduces himself, ‘Hi, I’m Thor’.
    Her response ‘I’m tho thor I can hardly pith.’
    It may have been Barry Obama he picked up.

  7. Hey Doc. Bad Brad and Plain Jane are just hidin’ in the woods, Hee hee. Have a great Memorial Day you guys. God Bless our troops and God Bless you all God Bless and AMERICA.

  8. @ Bad Brad

    I just saw it, and I am laughing so hard, I couldn’t kick a pile of warm donkey dung right now. You will have to take on Moe Tom by yourself, at least until I wiggle into my crusader sidekick crocheted jumpsuit.

  9. @ Bad Brad,
    Yep. He has leaked our identity. We will never be able to walk down the street again in our disguises without people staring and saying there goes ….. LOL

  10. The Wankers. SuperWanker and his side kick Wonder Wanker. Supers special weapon is a bowling ball, WW’s is an iron skillet.

    they look like they stay warm.

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