Disembodied Head Runs For President – IOTW Report

Disembodied Head Runs For President

Patriot Retort: There are many words to describe Kirsten Gillibrand; Brave isn’t one of them.

You probably didn’t know this, but yesterday, Kirsten Gillibrand officially announced she’s running for President.

I’m sure the tens of people who believe the drivel this insipid, vapid, girly-voiced woman burps out were thrilled.

If it hadn’t been for the fact that a few people on Twitter were mocking her insipid “Brave Wins” video, I wouldn’t have known about it at all.

In fact, later in the morning yesterday, “Kirsten Gillibrand” was trending on Twitter, but only about eight thousand people were talking about her.

Trump tweets about a dead Senator from Arizona and tens of thousands of people were “joining the conversation.”

When your BIG ANNOUNCEMENT video doesn’t generate the same level of interest as the late John McCain, maybe you should sit this out, Kirstie.

Here’s a LINK to her campaign video.  I’m not posting it.  It’s so saccharine and schmaltzy, diabetics might go into a coma. And I don’t want to deal with the liability issues.

Besides, there’s only so much of Kirsten’s seven-year-old girl voice prattling on about Brave I can stomach.  Yes, I watched it.  It sounds like someone repurposed an Inspiration-a-Day calendar into a two and a half minute script.

The most unnerving thing about it was Kirsten’s decision to be filmed wearing black with a black background. It made her look like a disembodied head.

14 Comments on Disembodied Head Runs For President

  1. It’s a pretty impressive field that the democrat socialists are putting together. I wonder how many more will take the opportunity to raise campaign contributions?

  2. …maybe she’s trying to get voters to think about her good head? Ugh, that didn’t sound right, uhh…

    …perhaps she’s saying they can get the BEST head with her? Nooo, that doesn’t seem right either…


    …GAAAH! It’s not ME, it’s this WEB! THIS WEB SUCK!

    ….like Kirsten abnd stuff…

  3. Do all these democrat caitiffs get to keep their campaign money?
    What the hell, there must be twenty of them by now. Only one can win the nomination. Can the rest keep what they have left in their piggy bank?

  4. Run for president and get rich (most candidates especially Bernie The Mad Hatter Sanders))! Serve as president and get rich ( Blow Job Billie Clinton and Half African Hussein Obama)! Serve as vice president and get rich (con artist Al Gore and crazy Joe Biden)! Serve as secretary of state and get rich (Shillery sell her soul Clinton) and even richer John Swift Boat Kerry! Serve in Congress and get rich (most members of both parties)!

  5. She has a teenager voice, but don’t don’t let that fool you, you could fit a tuna can size dick in her if you had one. I don’t. I have a small flashlite size, EVATAC, to be exact, military job. About 5/8 inches X 3 1/2 inches. Could never reach the bottom.
    I’d just beat the shit outta the sides. She’s just a New York whore.
    A fake, a phony, and a fraud. She phucked us with her lies.

  6. Lying phony

    She even did the phony Trap Shooting posture
    when first running


    Al gore when he first ran

    What LYING PHONIES !!!!

    Why the trap shooting stunt when you are


    PHONIES !!!


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