Disgraced NY Attorney Gen. Schneiderman Accused of Stealing Victims’ Prescription Drugs – IOTW Report

Disgraced NY Attorney Gen. Schneiderman Accused of Stealing Victims’ Prescription Drugs

Big Government: Democrat Eric Schneiderman, who has now resigned as New York’s attorney general, stands accused of a wide range of aberrant behavior, including drug abuse, according to a lengthy report.

A blockbuster May 7 expose by the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow reported that Schneiderman, an anti-Trump, self-proclaimed activist for women’s rights, was accused by a group of women of sexually abusing them for several years.

Schneiderman, the chief law enforcement officer of the state of New York, was accused of slapping, choking, and mistreating women. He has now also been accused of stealing their prescription drugs.

Farrow published a document detailing some of the allegations written in September 2017, which read:

She told me that her boyfriend of a year, Eric Schneiderman, the Attorney General of New York, has been choking, beating, and threatening her for the entirety of their relationship and that several times he threatened to have her killed if she ever tried to leave him. She said he knows that she has a lot of really damning information about him, his alcoholism, sexual deviance, and drug use, and she worries about her safety.

Farrow also reported accusations by one of the women accusing Schneiderman of drug abuse, especially of the drug Xanax:  more here



SNIP: What Nerve!

Eric Schneiderman Pursued Harvey Weinstein over Misconduct Claims While Allegedly Abusing Women.

11 Comments on Disgraced NY Attorney Gen. Schneiderman Accused of Stealing Victims’ Prescription Drugs

  1. these people are worse than dogs … dogs eat their own vomit, lick one another’s asses, go belly-up when confronted, lick themselves, eat animal scat & fawn & mew when the alpha male comes on the scene … until the day they can gang up & kill him …

    but, then again, dogs have good qualities, they are loyal, faithful, obedient & protective …

    … not one regressive progressive trait

  2. This basically conforms to the same pattern that climate cultists have. The more strident people are about environmental issues, the more likely they are to be high consumption silver spoon assholes. Same goes for any virtue signaling. Show me some guy who claims to be a feminist, and I’ll show you a guy who believes every woman owes him a blow job and a piece of tail, and will get increasingly enraged if he thinks one isn’t paying up her dues.

  3. they should all be looking over their shoulders now.

    BTW, could that be why the witch was wearing that back brace? Sprained her neck looking over her shoulder?

  4. I find myself living in a state, after many years, without actual representation, was thrilled about the news last night.

    That said Upstate vs Down(Syndrome) State thinking is different. BTW live way closer to down than up…

    All POS’s. High Hail Coumo said according to, his own words, ‘GET OUT’ you are not welcome, because I believe what I believe.

    Eff them. Holier than thou’s…Spitzer, Weiner



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