Dishwashers join growing list of home appliances targeted by Biden climate warriors – IOTW Report

Dishwashers join growing list of home appliances targeted by Biden climate warriors

Just the News

Last week, President Biden’s Department of Energy (DOE) announced “Congressionally-mandated proposed standards” for household dishwashers.

In announcing the proposed dishwasher restrictions for Americans, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said the Biden administration is “using all of the tools” available to “reduce carbon pollution and combat the climate crisis.” 

The standards are just the latest in a series of proposed “climate-friendly” regulations on technology products and industries throughout America, increasingly including everyday home appliances. 

Here is a list of items in your home targeted by Biden administration climate warriors:


On Friday, the Biden Energy Department announced new efficiency standards to limit water usage and energy consumption for new dishwashers. If implemented, the rules would require that dishwashers cut water and power usage by 34% and 27% respectively, according to Bloomberg Law. For smaller models, the mandatory reductions are 22% for power and 11% for water.

The DOE claimed that dishwasher models today “can meet improved energy and water standards” while also providing the “cleaning performance” consumers need. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm lauded the “rapid progress” being made by DOE to “strengthen outdated energy efficiency standards.” more

35 Comments on Dishwashers join growing list of home appliances targeted by Biden climate warriors

  1. How is it ‘energy efficient’ when the cycles for basic dishwashing and the washer end up being twice as long as they used to be because of the limited water. I had to buy a new washer recently and the basic wash cycle is 55 minutes. The bedding function is almost 2 hours! This is anti-efficiency. Everything with them is an inversion.

  2. Micromanaging our power use is NOT a function of government. Defund All government agencies wasting time and money on this subject. We are bankrupt. We cannot afford useless and expensive government agencies.

  3. @Anonymous AT 10:20 AM: Our dishwasher has a few of those multi-hour cycles and one Express Wash cycle which uses enough water to get the dishes clean on the first pass. Maybe your basic wash is the same. FWIW, it doesn’t hurt that when the EPA removed the phosphates from dishwasher detergent in 2010, I bought and stashed a bunch of the old stuff. We’re still using it.

  4. Hmmm … can’t find either “dishwasher” or “climate bullshit crisis” in my copy of the Constitution … must be an old copy …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. No more bottle jets, steam, high temp water, extended dry, cleaning function, etc.

    Hello fungi and bad bacillus. Welcome: caked-on food stuffs.

    In summary:

    Earth plus plastic.

    Kill all humans.

  6. ^ Just don’t stab ’em with a fork and spread their
    disgustibng, orange abdominal juices all over your plate which will later turn rancid and dry out, chemically bonding with the ceramic glaze. Also, no slimey bugs, snails or worms. But it’s okay to lick your plate, however. That practice will come back.

  7. This is all Cloward and Piven.

    We are being attacked from all sides simultaneously so we don’t know where to turn, with the intention that we turn to Government in frustration and surrender all our birthright in the vain hope that this will make them stop attacking us. Just another in their millions of distractions.

    Just remember that you can’t kill Leviathan by lashing out blindly at its tail. When he hits you with it, its only so you don’t notice when he stoops to bite you.

  8. All my sisters glassware is etched and cloudy from I’m guessing their well water, softener salt and dishwasher detergent chemicals.

    I’ve never owned a dishwasher and I’ve got 50 year old glasses looking like the day I got them.

  9. My Chihuahua pre-cleans the dishes, then wife and I wash and dry them.
    Does this mean Biden is coming for my dog?
    Let him try, it’s a Chihuahua.

  10. Different Tim, tell you sister to get some cerium oxide. Rub some of that on her glassware, they will come out like new again. She’ll recognize you for the genius you are. lol.

    I have a hit-n-miss engine outside and an array of belts in my house running dishwasher, fans, and laundry, not to mention all the farm tasks out back. You guys gotta get with the times, we’re moving backwards and this old technology still works like a dream. Decent hit-n-miss engines are going up in price, get yours now before Biden bans them. They burn oil, gas, whatever you wanna feed them.

  11. After 50yrs of beating up my hands I look forward to washing dishes with the hottest water available. When we moved into our house the dishwasher was the first thing on the street, replaced it with a beer fridge.

  12. @ TRF

    I have got one of those low flow toilets. Only has to be flushed once if you hold the handle down for 15 seconds. I’m sure if I asked a lib they’d tell me the longer you hold it down, the more water you save.

  13. these mofos will proclaim mandatory toilet paper re-cycling next. or maybe a continuous roll which can be moved with a bicycle pedal arrangement, no hands required.

  14. World wide economic equality for the proletariat is the direction our overlords are going. All our conveniences are being regulated out of existence.
    Personal transportation.
    Private dwellings, first detached housing, then apartments, leading to dormitory oriented housing for all.
    Private medical services, ‘your’ doctor. We’re well on our way to this with Obamacare’s push to eliminate private practices in medicine. Corporate medicine is government medicine with a profit center in between.
    Food, elimination of animal proteins substituting insect protein or other. Also including quantity, you hogs.
    Recreational substances, as rebellion. Legalize, for the moment, all drugs. Double benefit, you’re more ‘free’ to use substance, so not rebellious. You debilitate your mind to the degree that you do and escape for a moment the reality of the ever encroaching net of control, so, no rebellion.

    Incidentals like gas stoves, dishwashers, flush toilets, domestic hot and cold water-in your domicile- are small potatoes growing the shoots of the longer goals.

    Our overlords believe (I think) that even eliminating all our conveniences, housing, medical and food autonomy and freedom to engage anything without absolute regulation, the world will not support more than around a half billion people. Complete control of reproduction will be required.

    Thus MRNA via COVID, the next ‘pandemic’, war, starvation, catastrophically dangerous drugs, and the final elimination of hope.

    It’s a delicate process and I really hope they screw the pooch, no matter HOW bad the outcome. It can not be worse than what they seem to have planned.


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