Disney CEO Bob Iger departs Trump’s advisory council over Paris agreement decision – IOTW Report

Disney CEO Bob Iger departs Trump’s advisory council over Paris agreement decision


Disney CEO Bob Iger is following Elon Musk’s lead in announcing that he will depart President Trump’s business advisory council after the president said the U.S. would break with the Paris climate agreement.

“As a matter of principle, I’ve resigned from the President’s Council over the #ParisAgreement withdrawal,” Iger said in a tweet Thursday evening.


“Muh Principles!”

23 Comments on Disney CEO Bob Iger departs Trump’s advisory council over Paris agreement decision

  1. “Principle”. ……….. hahahahahahaha…… the head of Disney claims he quit something because of “principle”. That’s really rich. Trump ends up not supporting a global scam in the form of a treaty signed on to by a “president” that had no constitutional authority to do so and this self serving, publicity hungry Disney a*%hole says he will no longer be on Trump’s business council because of principle. Now THAT’S comedy!

    If he knew how spectacularly ridiculous he looks to sane people, Iger would open a new section in Disney World and sell tickets for sane people just to gawk at what a vapid poltroon looks like. Disney might be able to make up for some of the reduced attendance that was just reported.

  2. I’ve worked for his company for several decades, and in the Obama years it has become an extremely progressive / liberal company at the highest levels.

    When I log into the company intranet I am confronted each day with a reminder to celebrate the special victims of the American experience:
    Feb – Black History Month
    March – Hispanic Month
    April – Women Empowerment Month
    May – Asian Pacific Month
    June – Gay Pride Month (Disney goes for this in a big way, many top executives are gay).

    Each special victims month include workshops, employee profiles and events. If Iger does make a run for office, he will be an extreme leftist.

    Trump is better off without him on the council.

  3. The same principles that allow his company to fire American employees after they are forced to train their foreign replacements? Those principles?

  4. How and why is Trump letting these kind of people be on his team in the first place?

    What’s that about?

    It’s like if I hired thieves and such in my biz. I would be remiss in my responsibility as a manager.

  5. Good, see you later Iger. Hey, Iger! Why don’t you show some leadership and stop all of your personal and business air travel, sell all of your automobiles, and remove the HVAC system from your home? When Iger shows me that he is serious about his carbon footprint, then I care. Until then, he is another stupid liberal blowing hot air who wants you and me to reduce our carbon footprints, but Iger won’t reduce his because he is Iger. Hey Iger, F U! Go live in a mud hut and wash your clothes in a pond.

  6. The end game of all this global warming bullshit, is the ‘lowering of the population’ to alleviate climate stresses brought on by us terrible humans.
    So, one day these asswipes will decide that a pandemic is required to save the earth from us.
    Only it will be their families that are allowed in the bunkers to wait out the contagion.
    That Georgia Stonehenge should be all the clue you need: ‘Keep your population under 500 million”.

  7. Iger left for the principle, but I think he’s fuming over the lost “interest” on the principle.

    Secy Ross did an outstanding job of rebutting all the Lefty talking points. Sad Neil Cavuto grew sadder still as Ross knocked them down in turn.

    Ross’s response to “losing” Musk? (paraphrasing) “There were countless execs who wanted to be on that board but we wanted to keep it small. We will be able to replace him with ease.”

    (I absolutely delight in the way Ross bounds his area of expertise: “I’m not a scientist (and neither are you).” “That’s a better question for X.” “That doesn’t sound like a question for Commerce.” He’s always being asked his opinion on something, like the firing of Comey, for example, and he always dismisses the questions outside his area of knowledge. He always manages to make the talking head look goofy for asking, too.)

  8. President Trump is a master at allowing separatiion of the wheat from the chaff. He smirks, and allows them to look foolish and besmirch themselves with their own hate, as he continues to MAGA!

  9. I’m sure (((Bob Igersteinwitz))) has plenty of other things to do and doesn’t need to be on the President’s councils anyway…like creating more vile, degenerate “entertainment” to pollute our culture.

  10. Iger has no principles. He is one of those limousine liberal hypocrites. He belongs in the ranks of George Soros, Tom Steyer and Al Gore. He (and to be fair, a few others) have turned Walt Disney’s vision of family centered and family values entertainment company into a liberal, propaganda spewing media empire. Walt is spinning in his grave.

  11. Iger needs to focus on a collapsing ESPN, ABC and possibly Disney itself. B’bye!

    Just as HILARIOUS after Trump dropped the Paris scam, was the French proclaiming they want to “Make The Entire World Great!” !!!!!
    Sure Frenchies, but let’s see how your survive your lil’ islam dilemma first, m’kay?

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