Pixar’s new animated series, “Win or Lose,” has introduced the first explicitly Christian Disney character in nearly two decades.
The show’s first episode, which aired on Disney+ on February 19, features “eight different characters as they each prepare for their big championship softball game,” according to the show’s description.
The Christian character, Laurie, bows her head in prayer to ask for strength during the big game.
“Dear heavenly Father, please give me strength. … I just want to catch a ball or get a hit,” Laurie says. “I promise I’ll be good, and I, uh, won’t do that thing again.”
In another scene, Laurie prays, “Please help me be good. I’m gonna train so hard.” more
A head fake………….don’t fall for it.
You can bet the screenwriter/producer/director and head Disney exec who greenlighted this are NOT Christians, so whatever references are made come from a position that is warped, biased, and un-informed about the subject matter.
When Laurie has a scene where she is praying, “Dear Lord, please help me in showing those homos, trannies, commies, and godless heathens over at Disney the error of their ways, their sinful wicked ways, showing them love and the wisdom of a purposeful Christ driven life, amen”, then I will pay attention.
Then, in episode six, Disney depicts Laurie blowing up a Mosque or shooting up a gay bar. MSM will have a field day.
Why does religion even need to be involved? No matter what they do, they are going to piss someone off.
I wouldn’t trust them as far as I can spit
Excellent, Rich Taylor. Disney doesn’t get it. For example the stupid article has the phrase, “Explicitly” Christian character as if it’s scandalous, anti-social or bizarre to be Christian. “Exclusively” Christian would be a better description.
Another issue, the girl character makes “bargaining” prayers. Telling God she’ll be good from now on if he give her what she prayed for. That’s way off. Non-Christians pray like that. They don’t know God’s grace and mercy through salvation.
Non-Christians have the nerve to preach/lecture actual Christians on how to be Christian. Really question if anyone working on this Pixar/Disney series is Christian. From what I’ve read about it – So far, so bad. Not holding out hope for this pandering project.
Gene Simmons should sell the KISS franchise to disney so they can kill that like they do with everything else they buy.