Disney to lay off 7,000 as woke corporation struggles to recoup subscriber losses – IOTW Report

Disney to lay off 7,000 as woke corporation struggles to recoup subscriber losses


On Wednesday, recently re-instated Disney CEO Bob Iger announced that the entertainment giant would be laying off 7,000 of its employees and undergo mass restructuring as it attempts to rebound from the last quarter of Fiscal Year 2022.

On the chopping block is Disney‘s Media and Entertainment Distribution team, a holdover from the era of Iger’s predecessor Bob Chapek. The technology and product team, which oversaw the release of content on Disney+, is set to be dismantled entirely in favor of a replacement that puts creators back in the driver’s seat.

According to IndieWire, Iger revealed during Wednesday’s earnings report that in Q1 of FY2023, Disney increased its revenue in the direct-to-consumer sector to $5.3 billion, but still recorded losses of $1.05 billion in that division.

The loss, which still beat analysts’ expectations, was due to the loss of 2.4 million Disney+ subscribers around the world who left the service during the past four months, as well as the 3.8 million subscribers who ditched Disney+ Hotstar in India after it lost the rights to IPL cricket. MORE

18 Comments on Disney to lay off 7,000 as woke corporation struggles to recoup subscriber losses

  1. (To the tune of “It’s A Small World”)

    It’s a world of woke
    It’s a world of pain
    It’s a world gone broke
    Serving the insane

    There’s so much
    they’ve destroyed,
    That they’re now

    There’s a pink slip for them all

    Now…you all are un…employed,
    Lost…the bennies you…enjoyed,
    Turns…out kids don’t like…George Floyd,
    Or your woke, woke

    There is just one truth
    You don’t seem to know
    Innocent delights
    They hoped you would show

    But you hate
    and divide
    So your loss
    es are wide

    Soon you’ll find you’ve lost it all

    Keep…ing perverts in…your walls,
    Will…be your comple…te downfall
    No…one wants princeess…with balls
    Enjoy broke, broke, world

  2. No fan of new Disney (or a customer) here, but another perspective on this is that Disney is a time-honored American institution that is being destroyed by this new world order insanity and the real problem will not go away if Disney fails. The American culture (as well as the Western culture) is under attack so whether it’s another statue or another school or college infiltrated with Leftists or an institution like Disney destroyed it gets chalked up as a victory for the Left! Be careful what you celebrate!

  3. @ TRF FEBRUARY 9, 2023 AT 1:17 PM

    I prefer to take this advice instead:

    And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out,
    and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for
    thee that one of thy members should perish, and
    not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

    Matthew 5:29

  4. I wonder if they laid off workers that came here from India. Remember Disney outgoing employees had to train them or lose their severance package? I can honestly say that I will never visit Disneyland again in my lifetime. They can go bankrupt for all I care.

  5. Iger makes more than 1000x the average Disney employee.
    They could cut some of the fat off the high muckety-mucks’ extortionate incomes and keep those people.
    No way Iger “earns” $65.7 Million a year – no fucking way – especially since he LOST the company $1.05 Billion last year!

    He should be shit-canned and the guy in the rat-suit given the job.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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