Disneyland to Become Massive COVID-19 Vaccine Inoculation Center – IOTW Report

Disneyland to Become Massive COVID-19 Vaccine Inoculation Center

Who is doing the inoculations? Goofy?

California Globe:

On Monday, the Orange County Board of Supervisors announced that the first large, “super Point-of-Dispensing” (POD) site for the COVID-19 vaccine will be set up in Disneyland.

Disneyland now joins other large-scale areas in different counties currently being utilized as temporary COVID-19 vaccine centers, including Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles CountyCal Expo in Sacramento County, and Petco Park in San Diego County.

While there are four other large POD sites opening up in Orange County soon according to the Supervisors, Disneyland will be the first. Once set up, the Disneyland site will be able to inoculate ‘thousands’ of people a day. The supervisors noted that the speed of vaccinations is critical as the state has fallen behind vaccine pacing, with only around 1/3rd of the number of vaccines having been administered statewide.

“Sites like these are absolutely critical in stopping the deadly virus,” noted Orange County Supervisor Doug Chaffee, whose district includes the theme park.

However, the temporary Disneyland vaccine site will not be accepting  walk-in patients to receive the vaccine; only those with ID and proof that they are eligible to get the vaccine will be admitted. more

25 Comments on Disneyland to Become Massive COVID-19 Vaccine Inoculation Center

  1. There will be signs posted “No Shot No Entry” in 14 different languages at each entrance into the park. Everyone will also be micro-chipped to prove they received it so they can be tracked by the Gooberments.

  2. ” Everyone will also be micro-chipped to prove they received it so they can be tracked by the Gooberments.”

    Actually, the vaccines themselves will contain quantum dots and you will be marked with your vaccination records when you take them. Quantum dots can be read by readers, which will be standard security in the near future, the same way a rfid microchip can be.

  3. Yesterday I was going to town with my daughter and saw all these flashing lights and told her I wondered what the heck was going on up there. She said she it was people who signed up to get their vaccine, the cops were there to make sure they had papers showing they were signed up.
    I told her, I guess it was time to leave this county because I couldn’t believe there were that many rural folks who were idiots. She told me this was just a hub for several counties. So even red state people are dumb as rocks. I just hope these were the registered democrats, if not those willing to fight to save this country are smaller in numbers than I thought.

  4. Disneyland is trying anything to reopen, I’m sure this effort will be used to convince the Gov. to allow it to open up again. I hope it does reopen, it employs a lot of military vets, especially in the maintenance section. The culture is typically more conservative than Corporate Disney.

    As the Ronny haters took over Reagan Foundation; Walt haters took over DIS – many decades ago!
    They hate Walt so much 21 years ago they made Davy C a “White nationalist, racist” in THE ALAMO. I’m happy to say the movie lost hundreds of millions$!

  6. I made some comments on Quora a bit ago saying I would not get the vaccine and that I have serious concerns about surviving it. This morning someone replied saying how terrible their health is but other than an initial reaction he is now doing fine and would get the follow-up shot. A day or two ago someone asked me to prove that people have died after getting the vaccine.

    Funny how in the UK they have changed the definition so that if someone dies within 60 (sixty!) days after testing positive for COVID it is counted as a COVID death. However, dying two weeks after getting the vaccine with symptoms that cannot be tied to anything else are said to have nothing to do with the vaccine.

    I guess the current situation will save time and money for officials. Since the elections are over, the people they paid to write “Biden” on the ballots can now be paid to pre-fill the cause of death as “COVID 19” on death certificates. If high paid doctors no longer have to do it it saves money.

  7. MJA
    JANUARY 14, 2021 AT 11:16 AM
    “Anonymous- Yep. I wonder if we’ll get a free bath, cookie and nail trim on our birthdays, too.”

    …well, you may get a free train ride to a free “shower”, so there’s that…

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