Disney’s ‘Mulan’ remake gives ‘special thanks’ to Chinese communist bureaus near site of reported detention camps – IOTW Report

Disney’s ‘Mulan’ remake gives ‘special thanks’ to Chinese communist bureaus near site of reported detention camps

Wa Examiner: A live-action remake of Mulan, produced by Walt Disney Pictures, gave special thanks to multiple agencies of the Chinese government in its credits.

The film, which was released for premier access on Friday on Disney+, gave a public security bureau in Turpan, a northeast city in Xinjiang, China, an honorable mention. The area is the site of reported reeducation camps that target Muslims and Uighurs.

Among those groups named include the Turpan Municipal Bureau of Public Security and the Publicity Department of CPC Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region committee, a communications propaganda department for the Chinese Communist Party.

According to a State Department report issued in 2019, the Chinese government “detained more than one million Uighurs, ethnic Kazakhs, Hui, and members of other Muslim groups, as well as some Uighur Christians.” The report outlined a variety of human rights abuses, including forced labor and mandatory sterilization. more

9 Comments on Disney’s ‘Mulan’ remake gives ‘special thanks’ to Chinese communist bureaus near site of reported detention camps

  1. I know its hard to keep track of all the American companies that promote values polar opposite of my own but in my mind, Disney is the absolute worse. Worse than Nike, worse than Google or Facebook, worse than Netflix, Disney vigorously pushes an anti-American, anti-Christian agenda that permeates both the entertainment industry and news media. They were in bed with the Chinese way before the NBA. They ruined the Star Wars franchise, injected SJW woke nonsense into their Marvel movies, and Pixar, totally unrecognizable now.

    They will never get a dimes worth of business from me.

  2. If it’s only for the detention and
    extermination of the muslems
    we can allow that as consequential
    mutual benefit.

    And if it’s not
    that’s what the UN is for
    to sit down and shoot the shit
    without consequence.

  3. Tony R
    SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 AT 8:05 PM
    “Mingia of Mongoa: Good point (I think). Why the heck aren’t islamic terrorists flying airplanes into THEIR buildings?”

    …because the Chinese won’t fuck around, make a Muslim their President 7 years later, and import scads more of Muslims and put them high in their Party congress.

    They will just kill them, and dare the world to DO something about it.

    And the Muzzies KNOW it, and are at heart cowards, so they will leave China strictly alone.

  4. Ai yie yie… I wish I hadn’t been stupidity optimistic about this movie back before when it was first announced.

    Is it too much to ask that if the do a live action version for milk money reasons, that they keep the spirit of the original film that made people like it so much?
    And maybe I dunno… NOT kiss China’s Red Asshole???

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