Disturbing Jan 6 Bodycam Footage Shows Beating of Unconscious Trump Supporter Who Later Died – IOTW Report

Disturbing Jan 6 Bodycam Footage Shows Beating of Unconscious Trump Supporter Who Later Died

National File:
The Epoch Times has released bombshell bodycam footage that shows the beating of unconscious Trump supporter Rosanne Boyland on January 6. Boyland died on January 6 after being crushed at the mouth of the Lower West Terrace tunnel at the U.S. Capitol. While bystanders tried to drag the unconscious Boyland out of the milieu, a District of Columbia police officer used a large wooden stick to strike her three times.

Use-of-force expert Stanley Kephart told The Epoch Times that the three full-force blows by D.C. police officer Lila Morris constituted a “felony assault with intent to cause great bodily harm.” Kephart further called Morris’ use of force “indefensible” and the internal-affairs investigation of Boyland’s death a “clear and convincing coverup.”

Earlier this year, Morris was cleared after an Internal Affairs investigation found that her actions were “reasonably justified.”

The Internal Affairs investigation was opened in September 2021 after a witness filed a complaint. The witness, Gary McBride of Decatur, Texas, compiled video evidence of the officer striking the unconscious Trump supporter with a steel baton and a large wooden stick at the entrance to the West Terrace tunnel. A request for bodycam footage was denied at the time.

The bombshell report from The Epoch Times includes footage from multiple officers and witnesses, shining new light on the conduct of U.S. Capitol Police in the events surrounding Boyland’s death.

Police bodycam footage shows protesters begging law enforcement to help them render life-saving aid to Boyland from the moment she collapsed. “She’s gonna die, save her life please!” protesters can be heard shouting while Boyland was on the ground. MORE

13 Comments on Disturbing Jan 6 Bodycam Footage Shows Beating of Unconscious Trump Supporter Who Later Died

  1. I will never forgive the Republicans for not supporting the 1/6 prisoners. On top of that, I don’t back the blue anymore, they will beat the shit out of you given a excuse.

  2. like anything is going to happen to the Capital Police. The big dumb Captain (who is black) shot Ashli Babbit in cold blood for no reason ON FILM and did not even get a handslap. And PHUCK all the phony Republicans who did not parade this set up in front of the public from day 1

  3. Anytime someone would say back the blue, I would say screw the blue. Since I was 17. The filth is the same in every jurisdiction, in every country. Nice to see other people catching up.

  4. Insurrection MY ASS!

    Jan 6th was not a proud moment for conservatives BUT the Liberal Reaction was a COMPLETE FUCKING DISGRACE.

  5. Unfortunate proof that the last 21 years Feds have encouraged/forced many LE folk to support leftist antiAmerica positions. Portland PD has been a glaring example the last 3 years. Worst example of leftist Portland PD. @ yers ago squad (3 fire teams in Land Rovers/ BMW( chased a Don supporter for over 5 min. NO police interference. They traped him; a gun man shot and killed the Don man. Again no police. Since then the police have not arrested any of those involved! Federal Agents killed the shooter 3 days later. BUt local LE says in effect,”America is bad, he loved America; he got what he deserved!”!

    Watched the “Conservative Inquisition” at the gym over a year ago.
    The grey haired police veteran sounded to me just like a Ronny hating Bush Republican. Next day “news” said he was a Bush Republican.

    The move to the left by law enforcement the last 21 years was neither accidental nor coincidental! The President who hired: Brennan, Clapper, l. Lerner, Mueller forced the left movement!

  6. Use-of-force expert Stanley Kephart

    Anybody retarded enough to burp at The Party, about The Party’s behavior, is too retarded for a moron to care.

  7. @Porcan Bienz May 2, 2022 at 11:24 am

    > Free the 1-6 political prisoners!

    That’s why we need to re-elect PDJT! To free his… um… never mind.

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