Disturbing Video Allegedly Shows Blindfolded Uighurs Being Loaded On Trains in China – IOTW Report

Disturbing Video Allegedly Shows Blindfolded Uighurs Being Loaded On Trains in China

SaraCarter: A horrifying new video leaked on Twitter this week allegedly shows Uighurs being shipped to unknown locations in train cars while blindfolded and bound. The video was acquired by a brave drone owner.

This video is just one more detail in the ever-evolving story of the injustice the group is facing in the hands of Communist China.

According to PBS, 1 million Uighurs have been placed in 85 different camps in Xinjiang. The Chinese government says they are “re-education” camps — but those who have been interned say it was not an educational experience, it was like a concentration camp.

Similar to the activities of the Nazis, the Chinese were recently caught in a disgusting violation of human rights when 13 tons of hair, taken from Uighurs, was discovered by U.S. Customs. more

20 Comments on Disturbing Video Allegedly Shows Blindfolded Uighurs Being Loaded On Trains in China

  1. Good thing Kaperneck(whatever) decided to finally step up here and speak out against the slave labor in China being used by Nike. /s

    Did we buy and sell goods to the Nazis? Amazing what our Overlords will brush off to keep those cushy lifestyles isn’t it?

    Images like this being ignored by our media and pols should tell you everything you should know about their plans for us should they get the power.

  2. I don’t care who it is and who is doing it. It’s disgusting.

    And the muslims outside of China don’t care because they’re getting the spare parts. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were sending the Chinese their spare muslims for harvesting.

    They are harvesting the hair because of the color and texture. So the Chinese make wigs from them.

    I wonder how much of that hair ends up in the US? Does Raquel Welch know? Do the black beauty supply stores know? Where do the QVC vendors get hair from?

    Where are you feminist pussy hatters at? Where is MeToo? The chinese have rape culture. Actual rape culture in the camps.

    And not a peep from NBA,Nike and Apple, either.
    Sad and strange thing is, the more money they make off these people, the crappier their products are.
    And we still buy that shit.

  3. Take a good look. Here is evil staring back at you.
    The MSM will never cover other Communists caught murdering
    people. After all, Durante of the NYT won a Pulitzer reporting how happy a place the Sovient Union was with all of its joyous Communist murderers running slave and death camps.
    When you do not bother to learn from history it bites you on the ass.
    And don’t forget it is the Chicoms who sent their bio-war virus over the Western countries and us.

  4. These monsters have lots of support here thanks to the local variety of commie sympathizers and the greedy pro sports players.
    When there’s no personal standards or character, they’re easily bought. Disgusting.
    I think we should demand a complete boycott of Chinese products across the country. {Yeah, I know we here are probably already are}

  5. When Obama was President, I always used to say that if the Democrat’s really had their way, and could get away with it, they would be lining up Conservatives and Christian’s or anyone else who doesn’t toe the line, in front of a firing squad.

  6. OK Looked up Uighur’s (aka Turki).
    The Uighurs are the people whom old Russian travelers called Sart Western travelers called them Turki, due to their language.
    The Chinese used to call them Ch’an-t’ou (‘Turbaned Heads’)
    They generally do not mix, breed or blend in with the more Eastern laying regions nor marry outside their group. In short they look more Western than Chinese. They have their own culture and social norms which are different from CCP guidelines.

    So they are protesting the CCP vicious dictatorship rules and laws. An as a result the CCP is culling (weeding out) the herd.

    Pretty much where we are headed if Socialism takes 51% control of Capital Hill.

    Note: the DNC vote last election was almost 44% for Bernie Sanders

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