DITCH MITCH: Petition To Recall Mitch McConnell Gains Steam After He Viciously Turns On Trump – IOTW Report

DITCH MITCH: Petition To Recall Mitch McConnell Gains Steam After He Viciously Turns On Trump

h/t nunyo bidness


I’ve been telling you for a LONG time not to trust Mitch MCConnell.

Now you see why.

In case you missed it, he turned on President Trump in a vicious way yesterday.  Read it here.

And remember, this is after McConnell looked very vulnerable in his Senate race and President Trump personally stepped in to get him over the hump.

How disgraceful to now see him turn on our President.

So it should come as no surprise that a movement has grown to RECALL the traitor.

A turncoat traitor like Mitch “Turtle” McConnell has no business representing the Republican Party in Congress.

Take a look at the new movement to have him recalled: more


Mitch McConnell’s Washington office contact info:

317 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510

Phone: (202) 224-2541

Fax: (202) 224-2499

17 Comments on DITCH MITCH: Petition To Recall Mitch McConnell Gains Steam After He Viciously Turns On Trump

  1. If you don’t live in Kentucky, Mitch doesn’t care about your name on a petition. Call your own U.S. Senators and remind them that President Trump WILL be on the ballot via primary challenges in 2022 and beyond

  2. Another ~80 y/o bitterly clinging to his “perks.”

    The old fossil doesn’t feel like he’s damaged America enough to earn him a special place in Hell. So he continues lying, conniving, and betraying all who trusted him. He understands that the real game of politics is self-aggrandizement and enrichment. So he’s stealing everything that isn’t tied down – funneling money to his cronies and kin after skimming off the top. Typical. Little wonder that he’s adored by the RINOs.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. he’s a professional politician, so what’s the big deal????

    he doesn’t hold his constituents in any type of esteem.

    especially now that the class of politicians we have “elected”
    have shown the voting public they have not needed their actual votes for decades.

    voter fraud has been around a long time and it took DJT to show everyone.

    now that you have been witness to it, what are you going to do about it???

  4. It’s unlikely that Kentucky voters will recall McConnell however actuarial science tells us that it’s doubtful that McConnell will live long enough to finish his term.

  5. “Trump WILL be on the ballot via primary challenges in 2022 and beyond”

    If he’s not in jail by then.

    Which is a real possibility, I hope you don’t think the Leftists have given up or that intensive official investigations on all levels of government, from cities to Federal, looking for something to prosecute him on are not being conducted.

  6. When ALL your senses tell you that he possesses NO qualities of a decent human being, let alone the virtues necessary for an honest leader,
    you just have to trust your own judgement.

    He is creepy, he doesn’t look anyone in the eyes, his face is always ashy/sweaty/cold … you just know he lies constantly.

    And God didn’t give him a chin. Or a decent voice.

  7. Said many ktiomes here the last 8 or 9 yearsMITCH IS A GWB MAN!

    If you do not know how I fell about America’s most liberal President ever!


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