Diversity officials complain about a DJ in ‘blackface’ only to be informed he actually is African American – IOTW Report

Diversity officials complain about a DJ in ‘blackface’ only to be informed he actually is African American

American Thinker-

By Thomas Lifson

Two diversity advocates in the Scottsdale, Arizona school district were so eager to find racism lurking in a (highly successful) fundraiser that they accused a black D.J. hired for the event of wearing blackface.  Evidently, the costume and/or hairstyle of the D.J. at the ’70s-themed event triggered them somehow to accuse Koko Hunter, second from the right in the photo below, of the sin of racial impersonation of an African American via blackface: See more

12 Comments on Diversity officials complain about a DJ in ‘blackface’ only to be informed he actually is African American

  1. Yes, but maybe the DJ Self Identified as White & thus was actually being racist against Black People.

    Good work Diversity Advocates.
    Less aware people would have missed it.

  2. Gah! Her “apology” is worse than her offense:

    “I cannot fathom the hurt, anger and frustration you felt after you and others volunteered countless hours on your event,’ wrote Lassen, who describes herself as an ‘ardent community volunteer, activist, and ally to the LGBTQ+ community.’

    ‘Again I truly apologize. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me and not harbor resentment towards SPC.'”

    The Left is so full of themselves! If they’d simply DO what they admonish themselves to do — “don’t judge” — they wouldn’t find themselves in these jams.

    And the guy! Wow! Pretzel logic at its best in his “apology”.

  3. Both members of the Orwellian “Equity and Inclusion Committee?”
    Why are the taxpayers paying for such nonsense?
    America needs a strong purgative to clean out the Bowels of the Bureaucracies.
    ALL of them – Federal, State, and Local – starting in DC and working out to Scottsdale and on to CA.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Just like when you read about some over-the-top depraved and pointless crime, 90% of the time it’s a black dude, when you read about some idiotically woke bullshit going done in public schools, it’s a fat lesbian or faggot doing it.


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