DM: Is this the proof that Ilhan Omar married her own brother? – IOTW Report

DM: Is this the proof that Ilhan Omar married her own brother?

Persistent claims that leftist congresswoman Ilhan Omar married her own brother to get around US immigration laws may be legitimized by what appears to be a conclusive DNA test.

The results of the test assert that there is a 99.999998% chance that Omar and her second husband Ahmed Elmi are siblings.

The report, drawn up by Endeavor DNA Laboratories does not name either Omar or Elmi, instead referring to them as ‘Sibling 1’ and ‘Sibling 2.’ understands that Omar is Sibling 1.

It says that Sibling 1’s sample was garnered from a cigarette butt and Sibling 2’s from a drinking straw.

Omar has never before been known publicly to be a smoker, although her third husband Tim Mynett is. However, a grainy picture of her with a cigarette in her mouth, said to have been taken outside her home in Washington, D.C. appears as part of the evidence gathered in an intensive investigation by a shadowy conservative group.

The test was posted online by Anton Lazzaro, a Republican strategist in Minneapolis on Wednesday. Around 12 hours later Lazzaro was arrested on federal sex trafficking charges.

Keep reading, it gets even more weird.

h/t Snoopy.

18 Comments on DM: Is this the proof that Ilhan Omar married her own brother?

  1. So? It’s not like she is a Republican where stuff like that concerns the main stream media. This will never make it on CNN or MSNBC and I’m sure that TwitTubeBookGram will censor any mentions of it.

  2. she’s probably on the phone with the clintons.
    test chelzea.
    if they tested Danny Williams and bill clinton, they would probably learn something. If that test came out positive, I bet chelzea wouldn’t match up with either of them.
    they’re democrats- they are corrupt and amoral
    glad I ain’t one of ’em

  3. She’s committed tax fraud, campaign and election fraud, marital fraud, immigration fraud times 2 – one with marrying her brother and the other was coming into the country with a fraudulent last name, and don’t forget her bigly-est crime – treason.

    This country is so fk’d up that it would take a revolution to straighten things out again.

  4. “This country is so fk’d up that it would take a revolution to straighten things out again…”

    Who needs a revolution? Seccession works better – we split things up and leave the shit behind.

  5. Wow, what a lucky break for Omar that just before the DNA announcement, that Lazzaro was arrested on federal sex trafficking charges! What are the odds? And now she can proudly say the charges she was married to her brother have been “debunked”.

  6. Who is she connected to that she gets such protections?
    Besides the Dirty Dems that is.
    If she wanted to put an end to the speculation she and her ex could take dna tests.
    Both her brother and other ex are pretty effeminate if you as me.

    Sounds like if you threaten to expose Omar you get false charges filed and arrested. Pretty extreme.


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