DNC caught airing edited video of President Trump’s ‘animals’ comment, twisted to appear like he was referring to immigrant children – IOTW Report

DNC caught airing edited video of President Trump’s ‘animals’ comment, twisted to appear like he was referring to immigrant children


The Democratic National Convention (DNC) aired selectively edited video Wednesday evening which attempted to show President Trump calling immigrant children “animals.”

The video shows children of illegal immigrants in detention centers with a child’s voiceover stating, “Some of those kids are now orphans because of you [Trump].”

A melodramatic child thinking that is one thing, but you’d think the adults in the room would be able to understand any children separated from their families were due to their law-breaking parents or the adults who used them as shields to get into the country.

Following that comment, three videos were spliced together showing President Trump making various campaign comments.

“These aren’t people,” Trump says. “I don’t want them in our country. They’re animals.” more here

8 Comments on DNC caught airing edited video of President Trump’s ‘animals’ comment, twisted to appear like he was referring to immigrant children

  1. People are going to believe what they want to believe, see what they want to see, and hear what they want to hear to confirm their personal attitudes about the world around them and life in general.

    Truth has no place in it and is unlikely to change anyone, we live in the age of deceit and most of it is, in reality, self deceit.

    An aspect of human nature that is easily seen in others but one that no one ever seems to want to admit to and address within themselves.

  2. People are going to believe what they want to believe, see what they want to see, and hear what they want to hear to confirm their personal attitudes about the world around them and life in general.

    Truth has no place in it and is unlikely to change anyone, we live in the age of deceit and most of it is, in reality, self deceit.

    An aspect of human nature that is easily seen in others but one that no one ever seems to want to admit to and address within themselves.

  3. There will not be an end to the lies the Democrat come up with in the next 73 days.
    Wearing a face mask all day compromises your respiratory system. What better way is there to breed bacteria, than a moist damp environment. I’m sure they know this. Where your immune system may have been able to fight Covid, let’s throw a little mold and mildew at it as well.
    We better hope Trump wins and by a huge margin to over come the lying, cheating, global socialists.
    There will have to a reckoning, for all of the MSM. These so called journalist are so far out on the limb, they cannot be allowed to back up. They have all commited themselves to these lies.
    The Democrats have done nothing in 4 years for America. Their soul goal has been orange man bad.
    Just imagine what America looks like if the immigration gate is opened. $15hr minimum wage won’t mean anything, if there is an extra 10M illegals. $15hr minimum wage won’t mean anything, when they tax $7 of it to fill their coffers.

  4. “We better hope Trump wins and by a huge margin to over come the lying, cheating, global socialists.”

    My view is that if it isn’t by a huge margin, both popular and electoral ones, things are just going to keep going the way they are now but at an accelerating pace.

    Distant drums are beating, listen and you can hear them growing steadily louder.

  5. Are the distant drums jungle drums or war drums? Jungle drums means we’re in for a chimp fest, war drums are a call to battle to fight against the BLM and Antifa types and to destroy them unconditionally like we did to the Nazi’s and the Japs in World War 2.


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