DNC chair says there will be an ‘orderly process’ to choose new Dem nominee – IOTW Report

DNC chair says there will be an ‘orderly process’ to choose new Dem nominee

The official process of selecting a nominee will not be carried out until the convention, and may not necessarily be Harris just because of Biden’s endorsement.

22 Comments on DNC chair says there will be an ‘orderly process’ to choose new Dem nominee

  1. If biden trashing the USD as world reserve currency weren’t enough to make hundreds of countries go BRICS,
    then Kamala the Dunce as POTUS, should send them all in a panic!

  2. …all I know is, if Kamel has to pick Hillary as her veep, she’d best get a raging case of Coof to go with her raging case of gonorrhea, or else she’ll be coming down with the suicides instead of going down on Willie Brown…

  3. I endorse her enthusiastically. Joe left America on its knees, and I can tell you from personal experience that Kamala is just the woman who knows what to do from there!

  4. It would be amusing if people tried to bar her from the ballot, like they did President Trump. After all, the Dems nomination of biden didn’t allow anyone else a chance. So make them live with their actions.

  5. Mostly peaceful and orderly don’t seem to be consistent to me, but WTF do I know?

    I’m expecting it to be mostly peaceful, in other words all hell is about to break loose.

  6. We’ve all heard of the rubber chicken circuit, well…ppp…pp…p Kamala’s going on the knob gobbling circuit starting… yesterday! Someone who ought to have known a thing or two once told me, juicy fruit gum is the quickest and best way to get the taste out of your mouth. She was a good girl.

  7. I seem to recall Madonna offering to give head to any and all males that voted against Trump. Maybe Chlamydia Harris could take a page from her book on that one.

    Oh, and by the way Just want to say “I told you so…” about five years ago. A little late, but when Mr. Pinko and Mikey were doing their thing We discussed possible candidates and I suggested Chlamydia would get the nod. A worthless candidate then and still holding that value today. Cackle, Cackle, Cackle!

  8. Old Joe didn’t get dumped because he’s senile or incompetent, he got dumped because he couldn’t win. The Dems would have been fine with installing Biden for another 4 years.

  9. The DNC and the management class will want to have it wrapped up before the Convention. The virtual roll call is too easy to leverage. They want the Convention to be a coronation. That said, the Clinton’s and Obama’s may still have some schemes to try…and the virtual roll call is too easy to leverage.

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