DNC Hack Gets Bigger as Wikileaks Releases Staff Voicemails – IOTW Report

DNC Hack Gets Bigger as Wikileaks Releases Staff Voicemails

Blaze: PHILADELPHIA — As the Democratic National Convention awaited remarks from sitting President Barack Obama, Wikileaks released a series of voicemails from Democratic National Committee staffers — making the DNC leak even bigger.

On Wednesday night, the group posted tens of DNC voicemails to its website.

The audio recordings themselves weren’t newsworthy: They included a message left by a child for a parent and logistical details surrounding meetings. But the release means that the hack, which already led to the resignation of DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has now gotten bigger — like many national security experts expected.

The recordings, along with thousands of emails between DNC staffers, were possibly unearthed by an incursion into the DNC networks by Russian hackers and is being investigated by the FBI.


16 Comments on DNC Hack Gets Bigger as Wikileaks Releases Staff Voicemails

  1. So, the hacking will be investigated by the FIBbies. So what? Even if they can prove it was the Russkies, what are they going to do about it? Write a nasty note? Tell SecState sKerry? Ask the Rooskies what their “intent” was?

    I could save the FIBbies a shit-ton of money, and tell them that it was most likely the same piss-poor to non-existent computer “security” that Hellery had on her bathroom home server.

  2. I suspect this is only the beginning of an implosion of the Hellary campaign. Wikileaks is an appendage of foreign and domestic progressives who hate Hellary. They are going to keep strategically leaking more DemocRat garbage. Would not be surprised if this is a way Barry is seeking his third term. They would rather tolerate Trump as president, rather than risk the world collapsing into total chaos with Hellary. She could stroke out over the nuke buttons and set off World War III. Even progressives know she’s unprincipled, unpredictable and unreliable.

  3. “They included a message left by a child for a parent…”

    “Mom, Bill brought his “assistant” around, AGAIN,and she touched the baby. And Marc wouldn’t stop staring at her boobs, either. Could you please tell Dad–AGAIN–to leave that bitch at home? Anyway, call me when you get this.”

  4. You know why I love this? Because of the head game that is being played with the DNC. You better bet there are people crapping their pants right now wondering when the really devastating stuff will be released.

  5. I can imagine the screaming name-calling that Cankles is throwing at Slick Willy and everyone else around her…she has tried everything…tears shed down those creased swollen cheeks with stubble, lies, threats, death squads, bluffs, more threats…she will even kill off Slickwilly if it can get her more votes…i hope the secret service will take her out if she tries…

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