DNC Lawyer Michael Sussman Was Providing FBI Information For Trump Investigation and FISA Warrant – IOTW Report

DNC Lawyer Michael Sussman Was Providing FBI Information For Trump Investigation and FISA Warrant

CTH: After initially stating a DNC lawyer was a source of information to the FBI for use in their counterintelligence operations against the Trump campaign, the name of the lawyer from the DNC law firm of Perkins Coie has now been revealed as Michael Sussmann.

According to Catherine Herridge reporting  testimony from former FBI legal counsel James Baker revealed that Michael Susmann, representing the Clinton team, was feeding information to the FBI for use against the trump campaign.  While this is an explosive confirmation, it is not necessarily surprising.

In March and April 2016, around the same time when NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers was shutting down “contractor access” to FBI and NSA databases [an effort to stop the frequent FISA-702(16)(17) search abuses that were taking place], Michael Sussmann met with FBI Counsel James Baker – Global Privacy Summit, April 5th, 2016.

Researcher TWE put a lot of the details of how Sussmann lines-up within the larger story on a twitter thread – SEE HERE –  With his former DOJ national security credentials Michael Sussmann integrated himself with the DNC’s cyber security team; and following the DNC ‘hack’ (aka Seth Rich leak) Sussmann introduced the DNC to CrowdStrike.   The DNC goal was to identify the intrusion and the extent of the compromise.

Apparently during the testimony delivered by James Baker yesterday, Mr. Baker outlined that Perkins Coie/DNC lawyer Michael Sussmann was giving information to the FBI for use in the collaborative investigative efforts against the Trump campaign.

This additional source of information into the FBI paints a rather stark picture of what was happening.

The Clinton team hired Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Trump, package it as a dossier, and deliver it to the FBI for exploitation.  more here

5 Comments on DNC Lawyer Michael Sussman Was Providing FBI Information For Trump Investigation and FISA Warrant

  1. This country is suffering through a bad infestation of leftist lawyers.
    Lets all hope that one of the big pharmaceutical laboratories is busy developing an effective repellent.

  2. How much evidence of the clinton crime syndicate committed are required to establish a grand jury? I suspect waiting another 4 to 10 years for prosecution and another 2 years for sentencing.

    The corrupt establishment takes care of their own.
    The DOJ and FBI are prime examples.


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