DNC leaders flee Nevada State Dem Convention, call in sheriff’s deputies and hotel security as dispute over delegates escalates into violence – IOTW Report

DNC leaders flee Nevada State Dem Convention, call in sheriff’s deputies and hotel security as dispute over delegates escalates into violence

American Thinker: Bitterness and violence erupted yesterday at the Democrats’ Nevada State Convention in Las Vegas, as 64 Sanders delegates were disqualified, allowing Clinton to take 7 of the 12 delegates up for grabs.  Party officials there ignored a motion from the floor and rammed through a vote according to the wishes of the Clinton campaign.  It’s almost as if the Hillary faction genuinely fears for the nomination it supposedly has sewn up.

barbara boxer in nv

Along the way Barbara Boxer was booed…

And trolled the delegates:

 “When you’re booing me, you’re booing Bernie Sanders,” Boxer told the crowd. “You know something I grew up in Brooklyn I’m not afraid of bullies. I’m for Hillary Clinton because she’s for all of us. So keep yourselves booing and boo yourself out of the election,” the California senator added.

And that’s when a fight broke out

14 Comments on DNC leaders flee Nevada State Dem Convention, call in sheriff’s deputies and hotel security as dispute over delegates escalates into violence

  1. i used to think hillary would be next potus, now not so much

    this is getting ugly and a perfect storm is brewing over the dnc chosen one

    bernie will help trump win

  2. Great advice, Barbara! Hopefully all the Sandernistas will stay home on Election Day. Them, and the butt-hurt #NeverTrump crowd can sit this one out.

  3. Thank god the entire MSM is out digging up dirt on Trump. Otherwise, they might have actually reported on this freak show. BTW, Big Trump Story today is that he used to play racquetball with Gordon Gekko and two naked hookers. Sorry, that’s the best version of the truth I could obtain.

  4. A taste of things to come.

    Any disagreement with the DNC aristocracy results in the truncheons and riot thugs coming out to put the party peasantry back in their place.

    Hillary is just another treasonous corporate whore – she embodies everything the Sanders supporters hate.

1 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. And the RNC is fracturing? Ha! | doublezerotwelve

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