DNC official sides with Joe Biden over accusations – IOTW Report

DNC official sides with Joe Biden over accusations


A top Democratic National Committee (DNC) official sided with former Vice President Joe Biden over Lucy Flores, the former Nevada lawmaker accusing Biden of grabbing her shoulders, smelling her hair and kissing her head at a 2014 campaign event.

DNC finance chair Henry Munoz said he doesn’t believe Flores because he doesn’t think she was ever alone with Biden at the event. Latino Victory Fund, a progressive group Munoz co-founded, organized the event where Flores said Biden kissed her.

“As the organizer of the rally in question, I have thoroughly reviewed photographic documentation from the event, and spoken to nearly every principle in attendance, as well as staff associated with the event. To the best of our recollection, at no time were Lucy Flores and Vice President Biden alone,” Munoz wrote in a statement he posted to Twitter on Sunday.

Munoz said he was close friends with both Munoz and Biden, but asserted that “at no time were these two leaders alone together and I, and the organized I cofounded and those in attendance, do not believe that circumstances support allegations that such an event took place.”

Munoz’s defense of Biden appears to have misrepresented Flores’ account. She did not claim she and Biden were alone when the alleged incident happened.


14 Comments on DNC official sides with Joe Biden over accusations

  1. Alone with him? The SOB does that crap on camera with women and little girls. Stop rubbing your eyes with pepper juice Munoz so you can see what the hell’s going on.

  2. Joey could rape a 2 y/o on camera and the Dems would excuse it.

    They advocate murdering innocents!
    No Dem really gives a shit – just worried about the “optics.”
    “Political viability” is the be-all end-all.

    When Joey falls by the wayside there’ll be another dozen to take his place – each just as corrupt, just as duplicitous, just as EVIL as Joe, hisself.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. A POS named Tom Perez is head of the DNC; he narrowly beat Kiefer Ellison the shit-eating muslim.
    Does anything they say have a shred of credibility?
    What happened to #BelievetheWomen?

  4. Is there a video out showing times Biden’s done this? I was telling my son about it yesterday and he said they’ll just explain away photos and I told him not just photos but videos. Repeatedly. But I can’t find them, so??


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