DNC Official Tweets ‘Repeal The Second Amendment’ – IOTW Report

DNC Official Tweets ‘Repeal The Second Amendment’

Good luck in November, Demmies!

Daily Caller: DNC vice chair for civic engagement and voter protection Karen Carter Peterson unleashed the wrath of Twitter when she tweeted “Repeal the Second Amendment” on Tuesday.

The Louisiana state senator tweeted out Justice John Paul Stevens’ op-ed from last week in The New York Times calling for repealing the Second Amendment.

Her tweet got only 50 likes and just over 70 retweets, but it conjured up plenty of negative responses.

SNIP: Here is Karen Carter Peterson’s web page. If you’d like- Feel free to explain things to her, in a respectful way, of course.
She doesn’t seem very smart so you may have to type/speak slowly.

21 Comments on DNC Official Tweets ‘Repeal The Second Amendment’

  1. Ah the fun we had in Basic Training at Fort Jackson SC.
    You call a rifle a gun. You’re in deep shit. at least twenty to twenty five push ups, depending on the Sgt.
    I remember so well the DI saying while holding up a rifle;
    “This is a rifle, then he grabbed his crotch, and shouts this is a gun.” Then he held up the rifle again and shouted “This is for fighting,” and grabbed his dick again and shouted
    “this is for fun.” Damn I miss the great guys I knew in the Army.

  2. I’m curious if any of them even know how you amend the constitution?

    I guess in a way it’s a good thing they all listened to snot nosed brats about banning guns and old senile black robes calling for a repeal of the 2nd amendment. Republicans voting like liberals keep people from going to the polls, but threatening to take guns away drives people to the polls.

    It won’t be long and the old senile man will be dead and one of the snot nosed brats has moved on to the injustice of clear backpacks. How long before liberals take their marching orders and start yelling to ban clear backpacks?


  3. If you want to repeal the 2A, let’s also repeal the 1A (to start with) at the same time. No one “needs” a computer, a word processor, a smart phone, or even a typewriter. The Founding Fathers never foresaw these things, so they need to be gotten rid of, right alongside those semiautomatic assault weapon Evil Black Rifles (EBRs) with the shoulder thing that goes up. Just as many people have been killed because of the hate from Evil Words, as have been killed by bullets from Evil Black Rifles.

    We got a deal?

  4. I’m sure this Nazi bitch was on Tucker Carlson’s show. She has co sponsored a bill advocating taking weapons by force. Tucker pointed this out and she kept denying it so he finally read her own bill to her. He pointed out she was going to get a bunch of people killed. No effect.
    I wonder if the Libtards and the NeverTrumpers would have already illegally and unconstitutionally removed Trump from office by now if we were unarmed.

  5. Brad I had a former congressional aide tell me years ago that these idiots don’t read any bills including those they sponsor. They highlight what they want in a bill and have staff to write it up. Then they go around and try to get others to co-sponsor and their staff reads it and highlights it to them.
    Same way when they vote on bills, very few congressmen or senators ever read a bill they just basically tell their staff to read it and tell them if there’s anything in it that will hurt them.
    Then often that job is put off on lower level staff with little experience.

    She was disgusted by it and left as soon as she could. So if she was telling the truth then basically we have idiot kids making laws and really nobody knows what is in the bills until the bills get passed.

  6. I’m tired of the whole shit debate about everything. I hate “The View” as much as I hate those eight legs and the ass on “out numbered” I’m out. fuckit!
    Som tin wong here. The great is Moe Tom WTF?


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