DNC subpoenaed by BuzzFeed over ‘Trump dossier’ – IOTW Report

DNC subpoenaed by BuzzFeed over ‘Trump dossier’

Can we finally get this party started?

Dennis Michael Lynch: According to an exclusive report published Monday afternoon by Foreign Policy, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has been subpoenaed for information relating to the infamous Trump dossier.

BuzzFeed, the media outlet who first published the salacious document containing unfounded allegations about President Trump, has been sued for libel by Aleksej Gubarev, a Russian technology executive, over its decision to publish the document written by the former British spy Christopher Steele.

The dossier includes claims that Gubarev’s companies – XBT Holdings and Webzilla – were recruited by the Kremlin to hack into the DNC computer systems prior to the 2016 election – which Gubarev is strongly denying.

BuzzFeed has in turn subpoenaed the DNC for information relating to the hack, including “technical information and data obtained during the investigation” in an effort to defend itself against the lawsuit, Foreign Policy reported.

BuzzFeed is also requesting details about the type of malware used in the hack of the DNC system.  Read more here

7 Comments on DNC subpoenaed by BuzzFeed over ‘Trump dossier’

  1. “technical information and data obtained during the investigation”

    what “investigation” ?

    it wasn’t hacked it was downloaded onto a thumb drive by seth rich.

    do you really think they will allow this ball to get rolling.

    this will be squelched by the nsa for national security concerns if everything else fails.

  2. @Thirdtwin November 7, 2017 at 7:16 am

    I don’t know. If propaganda apparatchiks claim that they were just repeating what the Party told them to say, are propaganda apparatchiks going to punish them for it?

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