DNC to create lottery system for Dem debates – IOTW Report

DNC to create lottery system for Dem debates

DC: A handful of Democrats are saying the Democratic National Committee’s decision to tighten debate requirements will create blowback for minority candidates and help the party’s “white male gatekeepers.”

“The DNC’s new rules, coming so early in the cycle, will amplify the harm done to diverse candidates by a political elite — from pollsters to talking heads — dominated by white male gatekeepers,” Sayu Bhojwani, founder of the nonpartisan political organization New American Leaders, said in a statement Thursday.

She was not alone in her assessment.

“It fatigues donors, has a disparate impact on candidates with diverse supporters, and rewards institutional advantages like email lists, staff and campaign accounts,” one Democratic operative told Axios on Thursday.

The drama comes as the DNC announced Wednesday it is doubling the requirements necessary to enter the debate stage in September.  more here

13 Comments on DNC to create lottery system for Dem debates


    Abracadabra. It’s all magically deleted.


    Sure it is.
    Fu#king Suckers.

    They believe it because the Company told them it is so.

  2. Wouldn’t we prefer to have the 23+ candidates all on stage and trying to outdo each other? That would be quite entertaining.

    However, watching them battle for a place on the stage and the fallout when half of them are denied will be absolute delightful!

  3. Except all of the top people in their polls are white males…

    @Alexa – remember that supposed dating site that turned out to have millions of men members and maybe a dozen women? And they said they would delete all of your history with them for $15 – and then didn’t! Haha good times.

  4. I wish these dem debates started now, we need the pleasant diversion.

    How great will it be when Kamala says Bernie should shut up because he is a white male, when Biden gropes the questioner, when Beto comments negatively on Pete’s choice of handbags, at the first Spartacus joke, when Warren asks Klobucar about hair salad, or when anyone slut shames Harris over her prodigious fellatio skills.

    That heavy petting session we saw last time between Hillary and Bernie, this is what didn’t work, all these Santa Claus wannabees graduated summa from Dirty Tricks U., I bet by the second debate someone will even bring up Jane Sanders’ embezzlement scheme. This is going to be fun.

  5. @Claudia: “Wouldn’t we prefer to have the 23+ candidates all on stage…”

    put them all on stage at the same time, with one microphone, nailed to the floor at center stage. No time limits, no turns, just who ever can get to the microphone gets to use it. Weapons not permitted.


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