DNC: You must be a sworn Democrat to run for president – IOTW Report

DNC: You must be a sworn Democrat to run for president

BPR: DNC adopts rule change that requires candidates run and serve as Democrats only. Bye, bye Bernie?

The Democratic National Committee is looking ahead to unseating President Trump in 2020 but their latest rule change may actually narrow the field of contenders.

A new rule, adopted at a DNC meeting in Providence, R.I. on Friday, requires all candidates for the party’s nomination to “run and serve” as Democrats, Yahoo News reported.

While Sanders supporters could condemn the showboating by Democrats as getting back at the Vermont senator for his strong run against Hillary Clinton in the 2016 primaries, a source told Yahoo that it was actually more of an effort to limit the power of so-called superdelegates.

Superdelegates from states Sanders won chose not to vote for the self-described democratic socialist at the party’s 2016 convention in Philadelphia, thereby ensuring Clinton clinched the party’s nomination.  more

17 Comments on DNC: You must be a sworn Democrat to run for president

  1. Good. Bernie can run as an independent socialist and help split the democratic vote.
    PHenry, 85 might be too high a threshold for the likes of Maxine Waters and such.

  2. Demonrat
    Nazi (National Socialist)
    Fascist (Italian Socialist)
    Progressive (Wilsonian Socialist)

    Distinctions without a Difference.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Past experience providing aid and/or comfort to America’s enemies and a desire to continue to do so is a requirement.

    Also, if you look like a person of African heritage you must be like something out of a story book, man.

  4. If they don’t purge those of questionable loyalty to The Party, there might be some doubt in the legitimacy of installing Hillary as President. After they impeach 45. Not the primary, silly. That’s over. I swear. Like a Democrat. (Well, I won’t sweat like a Democrat here. That’d be rude.)

  5. So what does “Sworn” mean these days anyway? Seems to me anyone can change their hat anytime they wish to without any actual enforcement that takes effect. No one jumps up and de-thrones them, no fines. no jail time no loss of their position. They might as well take a oath on a stack of blank paper. Its time that voters start voting on items and issues and circumvent someone who may or may not represent them depending on the political weather of the hour and who makes a donation.

  6. Superdelegates are not going to go quietly into the night. They may assume some other form, but their function is required by the corrupt, authoritarian Democrat party. Sometimes the Dem rank and file claps when it should boo, and it must be set straight.

  7. Hardly any actual democrats left anymore. You would have to be well into your 70s and only think of Jane Fonda as Hank’s little girl. Hell, there aren’t even any liberals left out there. The few self-identifying liberals that are out there are so burnt out on drugs that they never got the Alinsky memo to change their brand from “bad liberal” to phony “good regressive”. Even the phony progressives are pushing 70. Their party is dead, the only thing they have to carry on their party are illegals and brain dead millennials.

  8. Interesting that the DNC would throw out their most popular pied piper in decades when he is just as anti USA as they are. There was a time period in 2015 early 2016 I really thought Bernie was going to convert the masses. At least he had the appearance of being ‘that’ popular, until in June when that big rally of 20,000 attendees suddenly did not happen.
    The Obama admin must have know he was never going to be in the picture, otherwise there would have been some insurance on him too. Money talks loudly to people who don’t have it.
    But still, what made Bernie so different then the average Leftist/Progressives/Socialists/Communists/Marxists. Why would they not want the far Left Bernie?

  9. So you have to be a CIS Democrat to run? What about all the people who identify as D but really aren’t? Isn’t this blatant discrimination? Democrat patriarchy? Check your Democrat privlege


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