DNI John Ratcliffe States He Has Produced Thousands of Declassified Documents For Special Counsel John Durham to Use – IOTW Report

DNI John Ratcliffe States He Has Produced Thousands of Declassified Documents For Special Counsel John Durham to Use

CTH: In an interview with the Washington Examiner, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe explains the scale of declassified evidence he has produced to special counsel John Durham.

Whether Durham or AG Bill Barr does anything with the evidence is an unknown; however, according to Ratliffe there is enough detail in the evidence provided to show gross abuses of power by the FBI, DOJ and intelligence community under the Obama administration.  This aspect becomes important as you realize almost all of Joe Biden’s executive staff is from the identical pool of former Obama officials. more

12 Comments on DNI John Ratcliffe States He Has Produced Thousands of Declassified Documents For Special Counsel John Durham to Use

  1. They can produce a THOUSAND or a MILLION documents, but unless there is a WILLING DOJ to prosecute? Law and REAL justice?

    FORGET IT. It just will not happen. LIKE during the dreadful 0bamaZone. Our POTUS does NOT have a WINGMAN ya see??

    Just for the FACT that Barr waited to announce the special counsel, AFTER the election, the person, Durham, that was supposed to be headlining the Russia investigation…should be a barn burner event…starter.

  2. And then ONCE you have a willing DOJ?

    WE need a WILLING Judiciary. Do we have one?

    We KNOW the SCOTUS is comprised and now we know the local states, well the battleground ones, ARE, namely PA.

    Was it Adams or someone else that said ‘without morals or laws there is no Democracy??’ Jefferson?

    Calling a friend like in the Cash Cab…but here in the Bar calling out down to the end…of the bar…

    “Be not Afraid.”

  3. I think that all these pundits, republican congress traitors and indeed most so-called conservative outlets are completely missing how incredibly enraged the majority of Americans who by the did vote for President Trump about this attempted coup by the democrat communists and will not accept that fucking child molester Biden or that incredibly disgusting whore Harris as President and VP. Never. Talk is of civil disobedience or Civil War. If it is Civil War first thing that needs to happen is to round up all reporters, talking heads, college brainwashing Professors and either hang them or sentence them to hard labor for the rest of there lives for treason.

    People are really, really pissed and waiting for the spark to ignite a Second American Revolution.

    Durham is a traitor and especially so is Barr.


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