Do Biden’s Notes Tell Him When To Yell and Whisper, Too? – IOTW Report

Do Biden’s Notes Tell Him When To Yell and Whisper, Too?

Biden Accidentally Reveals Step-by-Step Notes He’s Been Given on How to Act.

RedState: Joe Biden has been busted with cheat sheets in the past. But the one that photographers caught him with on camera on Thursday might just be the worst yet. Biden was delivering a few remarks to the press about the Federal-State Offshore Wind Implementation Partnership.

Yes, everyone uses notes sometimes. But these notes were something else. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this. They weren’t just “notes” about what he was going to say or the subjects that he needed to cover. They were a list — made up by someone else — that told him what to do, that treated him like a five-year-old child, directing him how to act during an event–even when to sit. more here

15 Comments on Do Biden’s Notes Tell Him When To Yell and Whisper, Too?

  1. • YOU enter situation room
    •. YOU take YOUR seat
    • YOU open the silver attaché case
    •. YOU enter YOUR PIN number (hairsniffer)
    •. YOU launch missiles at Russia
    •. YOU leave room and go take YOUR nap

  2. What is most disturbing from the picture of the husk’s cheat sheet was how the word you was all caps. Is HE so far gone that HE doesn’t know who HE is? The evidence would say yes.


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